Recommended update for novell-iprint-server
(Last modified: 05DEC2006)
solutions Recommended update for novell-iprint-server SuSE Linux Maintenance Web (463657f9314da7c1578bd25ff23bf44d)
Product(s): Open Enterprise Server
Patch: patch-11312
Release: 20061205
Obsoletes: none
- Printer Pooling stopped working. (See TID3298109)
- Print Manager causes high utilization. (See TID3244851)
- Print Manager stops printing. (See TID3245149)
- iPrint Health Monitor returns error 500. (See TID3802073)
- Printer Agent holds print jobs. (See TID323916)
- Audit logs not rotating correctly.
- Driver assignment fails when creating a printer.
- Custom banners print and extra blank page.
- When loading, the Print Manager sometimes becomes defunct.
rpm -Fvh novell-iprint-server.rpm
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