Novell eDirectory 8.7.x Readme Addendum - NetWare

(Last modified: 03Jul2003)

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Novell eDirectory 8.7.x Readme Addendum - NetWare


Novell NetWare 5.1

Novell NetWare 6



Novell Technical Support provides this document for the purpose of helping customers during an upgrade or install to eDirectory 8.7.x on NetWare 5.1 and 6. It is important to note that you should use this document in conjunction with the product documentation. This document is a LIVING document and will be updated frequently to keep the most current and up to date information available to all customers.  

There are four major sections to this document:



When performing an upgrade to eDirectory 8.6, the underlying database for NDS/eDirectory is upgraded to the latest database version. Once the upgrade is performed, it is not possible to downgrade to an earlier version of NDS/eDirectory.  For disaster recovery, it is advisable to make a backup of the directory incase of problems during the migration.

Grab a database backup for each server being upgraded.  The easiest way to do that is by using DSREPAIR -RC.  

In NDS6.x and NDS7.x the backup will be placed in SYS:SYSTEM\ called DSREPAIR.DIB
In NDS8.x, eDirectory 8.5 and and greater the backup will be placed in SYS:SYSTEM\DSR_DIB\ called 00000000.$DU, the backup will create a new file for every 100Mb of data in the NDS by incrementing the filename e.g. 00000001.$DU.  If the file already exists, it WILL be overwritten.  These files can ONLY be restored by Novell Technical Support.


NOVL64002 - Using TRUSTBAR.NLM to backup file system trustees

It's always a good idea to make sure there are current backups of the server before doing any type of inplace upgrade or across the wire migration.  In addition to normal tape backups, the following should be performed before upgrading.

Backup all file system trustees on all server volumes.  Use TRUSTBAR.NLM to backup file system trustees.  To learn about TRUSTBAR, see solution NOVL64002 - Using TRUSTBAR.NLM to backup file system trustees.  TRUSTBAR only works on with NetWare 5.x or higher.  For NetWare 4.11, use TBACKUP.  See NOVL47820 - How to use TBACKUP.EXE to backup and restore file system trustees.


NOVL65448NOVL65448NOVL65448 - Novell eDirectory 8.6 or greater NDS compatibility matrix 


Before upgrading a server to eDirectory 8.7, read the minimum upgrade requirements provided in the Novell eDirectory 8.7 Administration Guide. The server to be upgraded must be running one of the following:

* NetWare 6 with Support Pack 2 or later
* NetWare 5.1 with Support Pack 5 or later

All existing servers should be at the latest version of the NDS/eDirectory modules prior to upgrading to eDirectory 8.7.  NOTE:  These guidelines must ALSO be followed if upgrading a NetWare 5.1 server to eDirectory 8.7.  The following is a list of minimum DS versions.  It is recommended that you apply the latest public releases of Directory Services found on the minimum patch list at  

* eDirectory 8.6.2 or greater
* DS version 6.17 or greater with NetWare 4.x
* DS version 7.60c or greater with NetWare 5.1
* DS version 8.83 or greater with NetWare 5.1
* DS version 85.29 for eDirectory 8.5

NOTE:  Anything previous to NDS 8.78 and eDirectory 85.23 can cause synchronization issues.  Please see solution NOVL65448 - Novell eDirectory 8.6 or greater NDS compatibility matrix for a further explanation.

Verify the above listed NDS/eDirectory versions are updated on all servers within your environment before upgrading to eDirectory 8.7.


Disk Space Requirements Needed for Upgrading to eDirectory 8.7

During the process of upgrading from NDS 6.x (available on NetWare 4.x) or NDS 7.x (available on NetWare 5.x) the database will transition from one database format to another. To transition from one database format to another it is necessary to have sufficient disk space to handle the upgrade appropriately. It is recommended that you allocate disk space to four times the size of the NDS database and associated files. To retrieve the amount of disk space needed for your current database, you can run DSREPAIR -RC, which will save a file called DSREPAIR.DIB to your SYS: SYSTEM directory. The size of your DSREPAIR.DIB should be multiplied by four to determine the amount of disk space necessary for the upgrade to eDirectory 8.7. By performing the DSREPAIR -RC procedure it will also create a backup of your NDS database.



NOVL83972 - iManager install hangs while "Updating Products Database"

iManager hangs causing a server reboot while trying to install iManager.


NOVL60780 - Directory Services upgrade to eDirectory 8.6 or 8.5 fails with -613 synchronization error

With the introduction of eDirectory 8.5 (DS version 85.xx), the attributes creatorsName and modifiersName on an eDirectory object became populated. There have been cases were the wrong syntax was defined in schema for both these attributes resulting in -613 errors during the synchronization of objects. If you have ever used eDirectory 8.5 (DS version 85.xx) in the tree, you should refer to the TID mentioned above to verify your schema for the attributes creatorsName and modifiersName before introducing NetWare 6 and eDirectory 8.6.


NOVL72498 - DIBMIG.NLM phases and how to recover from each phase

DIBMIG.NLM is what converts or upgrades RECMAN versions of Novell Directory Services (NDS 6.x/7.x) to FLAIM versions (NDS 8 or higher).  See this solution if there are any questions or problems with the DIBMIG process.


NOVL72499 - Failure updating NDS database error code 1

Although this error could have multiple meanings, one possibility is that DIBMIG didn't clean up the old database files and is still trying to load and convert the database each time the install restarts.  This error will most likely appear during the initial stages of the GUI installation.


NOVL68484 - Error: -603 in DSREPAIR after running DSREPAIR -A0

-603 errors in either DSREPAIR or in DSTRACE.  "creatorsName" and "modifiersName" attributes are missing in schema on select servers.


NOVL89520 - Error: Parsing the NDS500.SCH file while extending schema

If the administrator is extending schema before the upgrade, this solution should be looked at.

NOVL89624 - How to improve LDIF import performance in eDirectory 8.7




NOVL85846 - Trustee assignments appear to no longer work after NetWare 4.x to NetWare 6 upgrade


Multi-Threaded Synchronization -

With the introduction of eDirectory 8.7 into a network environment comes some major differences in the way DS synchronization occurs.  eDirectory 8.7 now has the ability to perform outbound synchronization using multiple threads.  We are still limited to single-threaded inbound sync with eDirectory 8.7, however multi-threaded inbound sync is slated for future releases of eDirectory.

There are two different methods that DS will now use to synchronize DS.  To read more on these two methods, see NOVL62538 - The difference between "by Partition" vs "by Server" synchronization



NOVL65450 - Catalog Services and eDirectory 8.6

Catalog Services is NOT shipped with NetWare 6 but will still function if the current production tree has Catalog Services currently implemented.  See the solution above for the details. 

eDirectory Performance Considerations

The most significant setting that affects eDirectory performance is the cache.  For more information on the differences with cache, please refer to the 8.7 Administration Guide under section "Maintaining Novell eDirectory" and sub-heading "Improving eDirectory Performance"  The cache settings are now configurable with NDS iMonitor under Agent Configuration | Database Cache.


NOVL65451 - New versioning standards for eDirectory 8.6 or greater.

With the introduction of eDirectory 8.6, all eDirectory components have newer marketing and build version formats that may be confusing (DS.NLM version 10110.20). These formats are meant to eliminate any confusion for future releases.  For more information on how to read these versions see the TID link above.


NOVL73092 -128 Remote error running DSRepair | Report Sync Status

-128 errors appear when running Report Sync Status from DSREPAIR.  The -128 errors may also show up in the DSREPAIR.LOG file after running a Local Database Repair.  This is not a serious problem and can be remedied by increasing the maximum number of file locks on the server.  Be sure to look at javascript:OpenSolutionInPopup(-1,%20'1.0.51908349.2513463',%20'',%20'',%20'',%20'',%20false,%20'4bc297d8-3ab8-11d7-8336-000102396252')TID #10025577 - Error: -128 running DSREPAIR as well to make sure the error isn't being caused by old Client versions on the network.  



For additional information on eDirectory 8.7, please see the following solution. NOVL81742 - eDirectory 8.7 Readme Addendum 


Document Title: Novell eDirectory 8.7.x Readme Addendum - NetWare
Document ID: 10073858
Solution ID: NOVL81820
Creation Date: 26Aug2002
Modified Date: 03Jul2003
Novell Product Class:NetWare
Novell eDirectory


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