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Tips for Running iFolder and BorderManager Together

Articles and Tips: tip

Paul Thompson
Novell, Inc.

01 Oct 2002

Running iFolder and BorderManager on the Same Server

BorderManager SSL Proxy Authentication listens on port 443 by default, which unfortunately is also the default port for iFolder. The easiest way around this is to reconfigure BorderManager.

To do this, go into the NWAdmin utility and select the BorderManager Setup. There, specify a different port number, such as 444, and click OK to save the changes.

If that doesn't change the SSL listening port, you can unload/reload PROXY.NLM. Apache should now start without giving you port 443 errors.

Accessing iFolder through BorderManager Reverse Proxy

Customers have asked how to access iFolder 1.0 files through a BorderManager reverse proxy configuration. It seems the iFolder client works fine, but they can't log in with the Web-based client.

The problem is in the HTML coding of the main iFolder page for the login link. This coding points to the internal IP address of the server instead of to the public IP address of the reverse proxy.

Short of modifying the iFolder main web page (see below), you can use a simple workaround by manually typing in the URL with the public IP address substituted for the private IP address. If you hold your cursor over the Login link, you should see the URL that is to be used by the browser, such as:

http://<private IP address>/applet/java.htm

Simply type in

https://<public IP address>/applet/java.htm

and you should be able to log in and access your files.

You will need to set up two reverse proxies: one for port 80 and another for port 443. The same technique should work for static NAT. For static NAT as well as for the reverse proxy on a secondary IP address, you will need to allow TCP destination ports 80 and 443 for incoming requests and their responses.

If you want to modify the login link, you can do that quite easily as well. All you need to do is edit the ifolder_nav.html file that is found in the \Apache\ iFolder\DocumentRoot\html directory to correct the internal and external IP addresses, then type STOPIFOLDER / STARTIFOLDER <Enter> at the server console prompt.

* Originally published in Novell AppNotes


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