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Security update for acroread


(Last modified: 22JAN2007)

solutions Security update for acroread SuSE Linux Maintenance Web (e4aa9329743e7c8bb35f09a113da0938)

Applies to

Package: acroread
Product(s): Novell Linux Desktop 9 for x86
Novell Linux Desktop 9 for x86_64
Patch: patch-11405
Release: 20070122
Obsoletes: 4bcb737ce75711656765de2a11b9a70e


Install this update.



Problem description

The Adobe Acrobat Reader has been updated to version 7.0.9.
This update also includes following security fixes:
  • CVE-2006-5857: A memory corruption problem was fixed in Adobe Acrobat Reader can potentially lead to code execution.
  • CVE-2007-0044: Universal Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) problems were fixed in the Acrobat Reader plugin which could be exploited by remote attackers to conduct CSRF attacks using any site that is providing PDFs.
  • CVE-2007-0045: Cross site scripting problems in the Acrobat Reader plugin were fixed, which could be exploited by remote attackers to conduct XSS attacks against any site that is providing PDFs.
  • CVE-2007-0046: A double free problem in the Acrobat Reader plugin was fixed which could be used by remote attackers to potentially execute arbitrary code. Note that all platforms using Adobe Reader currently have counter measures against such attack where it will just cause a controlled abort().
CVE-2007-0047 and CVE-2007-0048 affect only Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer.


Please install the updates provided at the location noted below.

Installation notes

This update is provided as an RPM package that can easily be installed onto a running system by using this command:
rpm -Fvh acroread.rpm

links to download packages

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