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The Novell Controls for ActiveX and Visual Basic: Creating Directory Entries

Articles and Tips: article

Software Engineer
Novell DeveloperNet University

01 Jan 2000

Shows how to create new entries in the NDS directory. Using this article as a guide, a Visual Basic programmer will be able to use the Session and Directory controls to create organization, organizational unit, and user entries in an NDS directory, add fields to the new entries, and set the values of the fields. This is the sixth article in a series on Novell Directory Services (NDS) programming, using the Novell Controls for ActiveX and Visual Basic.


This article is the sixth installment in a series on Novell Directory Services (NDS) programming, using the Novell Controls for ActiveX and Visual Basic. So far, we've talked about setting up your development environment, logging in to a directory, reading and searching NDS field values, and writing data values to NDS fields. This article tells how to create new entries in the NDS directory.


Using this lesson as a guide, a Visual Basic programmer will be able to use the Session and Directory controls to create organization, organizational unit, and user entries in an NDS directory, add fields to the new entries, and set the values of the fields.


Entry-level Visual Basic programming skills, a DeveloperNet subscription (Electronic Level subscription available free at, successful completion of SearchField task in previous article.

Required Items

See "Required Setup."

Optional Items


Required Setup

A NetWare 4 or 5 server, a Win32 workstation (Windows 95/98/NT) with installed software: the appropriate Novell Client for the operating system, Microsoft Visual Basic or Visual Studio, and the Novell Controls for ActiveX.

Development Environment

The procedures discussed in this article were tested using a 200 MHZ Pentium-based workstation with 64 MB RAM, running Windows NT 4.0, a NetWare 5.0 file server, the NetWare Client for NT 4.60, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0, and the Novell Controls for ActiveX 1/25/99.

A previous article in this series ("The Novell Controls for ActiveX and Visual Basic: Searching NDS Field Values,

" Novell Developer Notes, October 1999) introduced you to the structures that comprise the NDS directory: fields, entries, and layouts. If you missed that article or need a review, you can find that article on the DeveloperNet Web site,

Creating Directory Entries

There are four steps to creating a new NDS directory entry:

  1. Declare an object of type NWEntry.

    Dim newEntry As NWEntry
  2. Create an object of the type you want to create and give it a common name

    Set newEntry = NWDir1.Entries.Add("User", "Laura")
  3. Assign values to the entry's mandatory fields and any optional fields you want to set. For example, for a User entry, the Surname field is mandatory. If you do not set the Surname field, the entry will not be added to the directory.

    Call newEntry.SetFieldValue("Surname","Petrie")
  4. Update the entry in the directory. The new entry is not added to the directory until you call its Update method.

    Call newEntry.Update

Example Program: CreateEntry

CreateEntry allows you to create and delete organization, organizational unit, and user entries, based on descriptions contained in a text file.

Each line in the text file contains the specification for one directory entry. Fields within the directory entry are separated by tilde (~) characters.

The specification for an organization entry begins with the keyword "ORGANIZATION," followed by the name of the organization:


CreateEntry will create the organization entry at the root of the selected directory.

The specification for an organizational unit entry begins with "OU" and has the full path for the organizational unit to be created:


The specified path must be valid, that is, the organization entry must exist before you can put any organizational units in it.

The specification for a user entry begins with "USER," followed by the full name of the user, the user's surname, title, and phone number:

USER~VerySmallCompany\George Smith~Smith~President~555-1212

The title and phone number fields can be empty, but the tilde field separators are required. There must be a string in the surname field.

CreateEntry is a valuable utility (or at least the beginning of one) for creating and populating a directory to be used for testing NDS utilities. For example, when CreateEntry reads the following input file, it will create an organization entry named "VerySmallCompany," three organizational unit entries named "Marketing," "Engineering," and "Accounting," and 11 user entries in the containers that comprise the organization.





USER~VerySmallCompany\George Smith~Smith~President~555-1212

USER~VerySmallCompany\Veronica Smith~Smith~Marketing VP~555-6318

USER~VerySmallCompany\Jedd Smith~Smith~Engineering VP~555-6051

USER~VerySmallCompany\Samuel Smith~Smith~Accounting VP~555-3694

USER~VerySmallCompany\Emma Jones~Jones~President's Secretary~555-3056

USER~VerySmallCompany\Marketing\Peter Smith~Smith~Inbound Mktg Dir~555-8562

USER~VerySmallCompany\Marketing\Jeanne Smith~Smith~OutBound Mktg Dir~555-3054

USER~VerySmallCompany\Marketing\Sharon Jones~Jones~Mktg Admin~555-2066

USER~VerySmallCompany\Engineering\David Smith~Smith~Eng Dev Dir~555-6521

USER~VerySmallCompany\Engineering\Tom Smith~Smith~Test Eng Dir~555-2054

USER~VerySmallCompany\Engineering\Tammy Jones~Jones~Eng Admin~555-1254

Figure 1: CreateEntry. s

To build the CreateEntry program:

  1. Start Visual Basic and create a new "Standard EXE" project.

  2. Add the Novell Directory and Session controls to your project:

    • Open the Components dialog by selecting "Components" from the Project menu, or by right-clicking the Toolbox and selecting "Components" from the pop-up menu.

    • Scroll down the list of components and check the boxes next to "Novell Directory Control" and "Novell Session Control."

    • Click "OK."

CreateEntry consists of three forms and one code module. As mentioned earlier, two of the forms can be copied from the ReadField program.

ConnectionsForm, LoginForm, and Module1

The previous article in this series, "The Novell Controls for ActiveX and Visual Basic: Searching NDS Field Values

" (October 1999), had instructions for designing and writing the associated code for two forms, ConnectionsForm and LoginForm, and one code module, Module1. You will need to make one small change to each of the two forms, so you should create a new directory for the SearchField program and copy ConnectionsForm.frm, LoginForm.frm, and Module1.bas to this new directory.

After copying the files, do the following:

  1. Add Module1 to the project by selecting "Add Module" from the Project menu, clicking on the "Existing" tab, and selecting the Module1.bas file that you just copied.

  2. Add the forms to the project by selecting "Add Form" from the Project menu, clicking on the "Existing" tab, and selecting the ConnectionsForm.frm and LoginForm.frm files that you just copied.

  3. For each form, double-click anywhere on the form to open the associated code and change the line of code that says

  4. Make ConnectionsForm the project's startup form by opening the project's property sheet from the Project menu, then selecting "ConnectionsForm" from the Startup Object drop-down menu.


1. After the user has selected the directory that CreateEntry is to operate on, CreateEntryForm loads. To create CreateEntryForm, add a new form to your project by selecting "Add Form" from the Project menu and clicking the "Open" button with the "Form" icon selected. Resize the form and add the components and associated attributes as shown in Figure"2.

Figure 2: Components and Attributes placed on CreateEntry Form.

CreateEntryForm doesn't have any list or combo box controls, so there are no lists of items that need to be built when the form loads. So all the Form_Load subroutine has to do is set the program's default context to the root of the tree the user selected, either from ConnectionsForm or LoginForm:

Private Sub Form_Load()

    'Set context to root of the tree the user has selected

    NWSess1.DefaultFullName = "NDS:\\" + DefaultTree + "\[Root]"

    NWDir1.FullName = NWSess1.DefaultFullName

End Sub

Notice that a string with the form:

NDS:\\<Tree Name<\[Root]

(including the square brackets around "Root," and where "Tree Name"is the name of the directory) is the full name of the root of the specified directory.

There are two buttons on CreateEntryForm. The first is named ExitBtn, and ends the program when the user clicks on it. To enter the code for ExitBtn, double-click on it and enter an End statement in the button's Click subroutine, as shown below:

Private Sub ExitBtn_Click()


End Sub

CreateEntryForm's other button initiates the process in which the user selects a script file and the program parses and creates (or deletes) the entries specified in the file.

Private Sub SelectBtn_Click()

    Dim lineStr As String

    Dim fs As Object

    Dim scriptFile As Object


    'use the Windows common open dialog



    'switch to hourglass cursor (parsing the file can take minutes)

    CreateEntryForm.MousePointer = vbHourglass


    'open the file, parse it, close it

    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set scriptFile = fs.OpenTextFile(CommonDialogCtrl.FileName, 1, 0)

    Call ParseScriptFile(scriptFile)



    'and go back to the default cursor

    CreateEntryForm.MousePointer = vbDefault

End Sub

ParseScriptFile is the procedure that parses the script file. It reads a line from the script file and checks the directive at the beginning of the line to see if the line contains a specification for an organization, organizational unit, or user entry. The procedure then either creates or deletes the specified entry, depending on the setting of the CreateDeleteOpt radio buttons. As entries are created or deleted, the procedure displays a message in the MessageText text box. ParseScriptFile does minimal error checking, and if it encounters a line that it doesn't recognize, it simple displays an error message and terminates.

Private Sub ParseScriptFile(scriptFile As Object)

    Dim tempStr As String

    Dim contextStr As String, nameStr As String, surnameStr As String, 

         titleStr As String, phoneStr As String

    Do While Not scriptFile.AtEndOfStream

         On Error GoTo FileError


         'read a line from the script file

         lineStr = scriptFile.ReadLine

         'is it an Organization?

         If Left$(lineStr, 13) = "ORGANIZATION~" Then

              nameStr = Mid$(lineStr, 14, Len(lineStr) - 13)


              If CreateDeleteOpt(0).Value Then

                    'Create option button was selected

                    DisplayLine ("Creating Organization: " + nameStr)

                    If (CreateOrganization(nameStr) = False) Then


                             ("*** Error creating organization. Script file line:")

                         DisplayLine (lineStr)

                    End If


                    'Delete option button was selected

                    On Error GoTo DeleteError

                    DisplayLine ("Deleting Organization: " + nameStr)

                    NWDir1.Entries.Remove (nameStr)

              End If


         'is it an OU?

         ElseIf Left$(lineStr, 3) = "OU~" Then

              nameStr = Mid$(lineStr, 4, Len(lineStr) - 3)


              If CreateDeleteOpt(0).Value Then

                    DisplayLine ("Creating OU: " + nameStr)

                    If (CreateOU(nameStr) = False) Then

                         DisplayLine ("*** Error creating OU. Script file line:")

                         DisplayLine (lineStr)

                    End If


         'is it a User?

         ElseIf Left$(lineStr, 5) = "USER~" Then

              'copy to temporary string, strip off USER~

              tempStr = Right$(lineStr, Len(lineStr) - 5)


              'copy name to nameStr, then strip it off

              nameStr = Left$(tempStr, InStr(1, tempStr, "~", vbTextCompare))

              tempStr = Right$(tempStr, Len(tempStr) - Len(nameStr))

              nameStr = Left$(nameStr, Len(nameStr) - 1)


              'copy surname to surnameStr, then strip it off

              surnameStr = Left$(tempStr, 

                                      InStr(1, tempStr, "~", vbTextCompare))

              tempStr = Right$(tempStr, Len(tempStr) - Len(surnameStr))

              surnameStr = Left$(surnameStr, Len(surnameStr) - 1)


              'copy title to titleStr, then strip it off

              titleStr = Left$(tempStr, InStr(1, tempStr, "~", vbTextCompare))

              tempStr = Right$(tempStr, Len(tempStr) - Len(titleStr))

              titleStr = Left$(titleStr, Len(titleStr) - 1)


              'phone is everything left, copy it to phoneStr

              phoneStr = tempStr


              If CreateDeleteOpt(0).Value Then

                    DisplayLine ("Creating User: " + nameStr)

                    If (CreateUser(nameStr, surnameStr, titleStr, phoneStr) 

                                    = False) Then


                                 ("*** Error creating user. Script file line:")

                        DisplayLine (lineStr)

                    End If


                    On Error GoTo DeleteError

                    DisplayLine ("Deleting User: " + nameStr)

                    NWDir1.Entries.Remove (nameStr)

              End If


         'are we at the end of the file?

         ElseIf Left$(lineStr, 4) = "END~" Then

              DisplayLine ("End of entry specifications")


         'there's something I don't recognize on this line


              DisplayLine ("*** Error parsing line:")

              DisplayLine (lineStr)

         End If



    Exit Sub



    DisplayLine ("*** Error deleting object: " + nameStr)

    Resume Next


    DisplayLine ("*** Error parsing script file, aborting")

End Sub

DisplayLine is the procedure ParseScriptFile uses to display information and error messages in the MessageText text box.

Private Sub DisplayLine(line As String)

    MessageTxt.Text = MessageTxt.Text + line + vbCrLf

End Sub

As ParseScriptFile reads messages for creating organization, organizational unit, and user entries, it calls the CreateOrganization, CreateOU, and CreateUser procedures (respectively) to create the appropriate NDS entries. The code for these procedures is shown below.

Private Function CreateOrganization(name As String) As Boolean

    Dim newEntry As NWEntry

    On Error GoTo AddError

    Set newEntry = NWDir1.Entries.Add("Organization", name)



    CreateOrganization = True

    Exit Function




    CreateOrganization = False

End Function

Note that after these procedures create a new entry, they must call the entry's Update method to add the new entry to the directory. If an error occurs during creation of the entry, the procedure calls the entry's Abort method, to assure that the entry's resources are deallocated.

Private Function CreateOU(name As String) As Boolean

    Dim newEntry As NWEntry


    On Error GoTo AddError


    Set newEntry = NWDir1.Entries.Add("Organizational Unit", name)



    CreateOU = True

    Exit Function




    CreateOU = False

End Function

Unlike the CreateOrganization and CreateOU procedures, that simply create an entry of the proper type and with the specified name, CreateUser must also set the surname, title, and phone fields for the user entry after creating them.

Private Function CreateUser(name As String, surname As String, title As String, 

phone As String) As Boolean

    Dim newEntry As NWEntry


    On Error GoTo AddError


    Set newEntry = NWDir1.Entries.Add("User", name)


    'set attributes for the new User

    If (newEntry.SetFieldValue("Surname", surname) = True) And 

         (newEntry.SetFieldValue("Title", title) = True) And 

         (newEntry.SetFieldValue("Telephone Number", phone) = True) Then


         DisplayLine ("   Surname = " + surname)

         DisplayLine ("   Title = " + title)

         DisplayLine ("   Phone = " + phone)



         CreateUser = True



         CreateUser = False

    End If


    Exit Function




    CreateUser = False

End Function

Still Want More?

The next article in this series will show how to work with stream fields. Streams are binary data with no prescribed syntax. Stream attributes are usually used to store large data objects, like login scripts or images. Because the data in a stream field is unformatted, stream fields can be used to store any type of data that pertains to an NDS entry.

The example program that accompanies the next article will be a simple modification of the CreateEntry program in this article, with an added feature that it can add a login script when creating a user entry.

* Originally published in Novell AppNotes


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