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A Look at the Novell Server Tools v2.12

Articles and Tips: article

Edward Liebing
Senior Editor
DeveloperNet University

01 Feb 2001

Introduces the Novell Server Toolbox v2.12, a collection of utilities for network administrators to help manage local DOS partitions and local and remote server volumes.

Quite often, when working at a NetWare server's console, you want to be able to copy some files or do other simple DOS-like tasks, without having to go log in at a workstation. The Novell Server Tools v2.12 is a collection of utilities that can be used directly at the server console, or executed from NCF files, without involving any clients. All utilities (except where specified) allow operations on the local DOS partition, the local server's volumes, and remote server's volumes.

You can read about the Novell Server Tools v2.12 in TID #2956830, which is available online at the following link:

This collection of tools is designed to help system administrators and developers and is provided free of charge as a courtesy. It is not a Novell-supported product. Problems or questions regarding this product can be reported via e-mail to
. This article is a condensed version of TID #2956830.

Installing the TOOLBOX.NLM

At the top of TID #2956830, you'll find the ETBOX4.EXE file, which you can download and expand to get two files:



Copy TOOLBOX.NLM to the SYS:\SYSTEM directory on your server.

Note: NetWare 4.10 servers require 410PT8B and LIBUPI or greater; NetWare 4.11 servers require Service Pack 5 or greater. If the above requirements are not met, Toolbox may not be able to load because of unresolved symbols. Also note that with some configurations of NetWare 4.11, you must load CLIBAUX.NLM before loading TOOLBOX, otherwise some symbols may not be found. CLIBAUX is included in the support pack.

To install the Toolbox NLM on a NetWare server, type the following command at the server console: load TOOLBOX <Enter>

After the module loads, you can read general information about the Toolbox by typing the following command at the server console: TOOLBOX

To see a listing of the utilities, type: TOOLS

For help on any of the utilities that come in the Toolbox, type: <UtilityName> ? or /?

Note: All commands can be redirected with file redirection (> or >> followed by a filename) at the end of the command. For example, dir /st > sys:myfile.txt redirects the screen output into the myfile.txt file at the root of the SYS: volume. This is a handy way to obtain a hard-copy printout of the help information.

Syntax Changes in Version 2.0

If you have used a previous version of the Toolbox, you should be aware that the syntax has changed on many commands in version 2.0. For example, server authentication information, such as username and password, are no longer allowed on most Toolbox commands. All authentication is now done via command-line prompting or with the AUTH command that comes in the Toolbox utilities.

The functionality of the MOVE command has also changed. It used to be recursive in every case, but is now recursive only when the source specification is explicitly a directory. In all other occasions, recursion is turned off. This has been done to conform with the functionality of the Microsoft MOVE command.

Toolbox Utilities

The utilities provided by Toolbox are listed in the table below.



Manage authentication/connection information


Ring the bell (no help available)


Display file(s) on the screen

chdir (cd)

Set/view current directory or default path

copy (cp)

Copy utility

del (rm)

Delete utility


Delay command

dir (ls)

Directory utility


Echo a string to the console (no help available)


Flag and attribute utility


Alias mapping

mkdir (md)

Make Directory utility

move (mv)

Move utility (alias for COPY /MS)


Purge deleted files

rmdir (rd)

Remove Directory utility


Shutdown and restart the server


Edit the Startup file (see help in newly created file)

Startfile-only commands:

CDV4 (allow the CD alias in NetWare 4.x)

NONS (disable long name space support)

NSV4 (enable long name space support on NetWare 4.11 SP6)

tapplet (start a Java applet)

texp (export TOOLBOX.NLM and all associated files)

tjava (start a Java application)

tload (load a NetWare module)

tmodules (list loaded NetWare modules)

trun (execute an NCF file)

tunload (unload a NetWare module)


Toolbox main help


Toolbox Command List (this screen)


Hex, Decimal and Binary conversion

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are the answers to frequently-asked questions about the Toolbox.


Can I run Toolbox commands in an NCF file?


Yes, as long as you load TOOLBOX.NLM before executing the NCF file. If you try to load TOOLBOX.NLM in the same NCF file as toolbox commands, all commands will fail because TOOLBOX.NLM is still loading and has not yet registered the commands. We recommend that TOOLBOX.NLM be loaded in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. As a general rule, you should not run commands in a NCF file that require keyboard input, such as Dir or Type.


Why is my console freezing up when I run any Toolbox command?


All Toolbox commands are single threaded and attached to the console prompt. This was done to guarantee execution order when Toolbox commands are executed from NCF files. The prompt returns when the command has finished execution.


After I get help on a command, or use the Type command, why won't my console prompt come back?


The prompt will return when you close the Help or Type screen that is displaying output from the command.


How do I specify my NDS username? What is my current context?


Specify the entire distinguished name. The authenticator's context is [Root]. For example, if my User object named Bryan was in OU=devsup.O=novell, I would specify my username as:


Note the leading period ( . ) which specifies an absolute path, regardless of the current context.


Why can't I just type "CD" instead of Chdir on a NetWare 4.x server?


It interferes with the "CD" command used by CDROM.NLM. If you want to force the CD command to work on NetWare 4.x, place the "CDV4" command in the startfile (see the STARTFILE command).


I have Support Pack 6 loaded on my NetWare 4.x server, yet long name space doesn't seem to be supported.


You must specify the option "NSV4" in the startfile (See the STARTFILE command).


I try to load Toolbox on my NetWare 4.x server with Support Pack 5 or 6 loaded, and it can't find some symbols.


You must load CLIBAUX.NLM before loading Toolbox. Just load CLIBAUX in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file and you'll never have to worry again.


For those who need to perform operations on the local DOS partition, on the local server's volumes, and on remote server's volumes without the assistance of clients, the Novell Server Tools v2.12 may be an answer to your needs. Take a look at the Novell Server Toolbox and see if it can help you in your network administration chores.

* Originally published in Novell AppNotes


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