Console Help Commands in NetWare 5.1: Alert, Alias, and Applet
Articles and Tips: article
Technical Editor
DeveloperNet University
15 May 2000
NetWare Alerts
Have you ever purposefully broken something on your network--or even unintentionally--and were then inundated by alerts on your NetWare system console? These alerts, while initially helpful, can--if they are of the repetitious sort--quickly become as annoying as a neighbor's unsuppressed dog barking at slumber time. The ALERT command can help aleviate your annoyance by managing NetWare alerts. ALERT allows you to enable or disable the display and logging of specific alerts, limit the amount of information displayed with an alert, and control other aspects of alert messages.
The ALERT syntax requires the alert's identity number, or nmID, one of the ten possible command parameters, and an on or off distinction, as follows:
ALERT nmID command ON|OFF
You can only specify one command parameter at a time; repeat the ALERT command to execute additional command parameters. The exception is the ALL command, which lets you set the LOG, CONSOLE, EVERYONE, and BELL commands at the same time. The command parameters have the following values:
EVENT Generates an event when the alert is generated.
LOG Sends the alert message to a log file.
EVERYONE Sends the alert to everyone on the network.
CONSOLE Displays the alert message on the server console.
BELL Sounds a warning bell when the alert is generated.
ID Displays ID information.*
LOCUS Displays locus information.*
ALERT Generates the alert.
NMID Displays the alert nmID in the alert message.
ALL Enables or disables the LOG, CONSOLE, EVERYONE, and BELL commands at the same time.
* This information appears in some older error and alert messages but is no longer used.
An example of turning off the logging, console display, and the warning bell for everyone on the network for all server address change alerts (nmID=00050019), you would type at the system console:
While the ALERT command is helpful for those annoying, less severe server alerts, it is not recommended that you use ALERT to suppress all alerts, or you may receive from your network users the same type of phone alerts that my neighbor receives on behalf of his dog!
The following is a list of all the possible NetWare server alerts with the nmID and message:
Server Alerts 0001000d Invalid Screen ID passed to screen manager 00010012 Audit Event number: .... 00010013 Audit Disabled, cannot open valid Audit configuration ... 00010014 System Time Changed By Console 00010015 System Time Changed By Station ... 00010016 Memory For Auditing cannot be allocated ... 00010017 Error writing to the audit file ... 00010018 The audit file for ... is full 00010019 The audit file threshold for ... 0001001A WARNING! Server ... has exprienced a critical ... 0001001B WARNING! Server ... has exprienced a critical error. The offending process ...
Memory Alerts 0002000a Short term memory allocator is out of memory 0002000b Write to a protected or nonpresent page ... 0002000c Read to a protected or nonpresent page ... 0002000e QueueEventReport failed to allocate memory
NCP Alerts 0003000c Connection ... user ... exceeded outstanding NCP directory search limit. 0003000d You exceeded your outstanding NCP directory search limit. 0003000e User ... on station ... cleared by connection watchdog. ... 0003000f Rejected an incomplete NCP packet from Station ... 00030010 Processed an incomplete NCP from Station ... 00030011 Rejected an NCP with a bad subfunction length, Station ... 00030012 Processed an NCP with a bad subfunction length, Station ... 00030016 Connection ..., User ... attempted a remote console function without sufficient privileges.
OS Alerts 00040016 IvldRTagCrProc 00040017 CrProcStkTooSmall 00040018 CrProcNoPCB 00040019 LowPriThreadsNotRun 0004001a WorkToDoNotRun 0004001b GrwStkNotAvail 0004001e MkProcessUsingTooSmallStk
Communication Alerts 0005000a PktTooSmall 0005000b CpyrtViolation 0005000c RIPAlreadyOpn 0005000d RouterConfigErr 0005000e LANLoopbackErr 0005000f RouterConfigErrNoInfo 00050010 IPXUnreachable 00050011 IPXUnbind 00050012 SAPAlreadyOpn 00050013 RouterCfgErrNameInfo 00050014 MLIDResetLanBd 00050015 RouterReset 00050018 RouterFalsehood 00050019 ServerAddressChanged 0005001a RouterConfigErrNode 0005001b RouterConfigErrMyAddr 0005001d NegPktTriedLargeBuffer 0005001e SignatureInvalidAlert 0005001f ChecksumInvalidAlert 00050020 LicenseIsInvalid
File System Alerts 0006000f ErrWrtExtDir 00060010 SysErrWrtDSnoFN 00060011 StaErrWrtDSnoFN 00060012 SysErrWrtDSwithFN 00060013 StaErrWrtDSwithFN 00060014 SysErrRdDSnoFN 00060015 StaErrRdDSnoFN 00060016 SysErrRdDSwithFN 00060017 StaErrRdDSwithFN 00060018 SysWrtPreRDnoFN 00060019 StaWrtPreRDnoFN 0006001a SysWrtPreRDwithFN 0006001b StaWrtPreRDwithFN 0006001c CacheMemLimitExceded 0006001d CacheMemOutOfMem 0006001e CacheBufsGetLo 0006001f DelToLimboFileErr 00060020 DelToLimboNoSpace 00060021 RTDMDefSMchanged 00060022 ExtFileNoOwnerCharge 00060023 NoMigratorLd 00060024 NoSMLd 00060026 FailedToDeletedMigratedFile 00060027 EASpaceLimit 00060028 FSHookRegistered 00060029 FSHookDeRegistered
Adaptor Alerts 00070009 SpuriousInt 0007000b PrimaryPicLostInt 0007000c SecondaryPicLostInt 0007000e RelinquishControl
Connection Alerts 00090005 LoginDisabled 00090006 LoginEnabled 00090007 ClrSta 00090008 ClrStaByUsr 00090009 FSDownByUser 0009000a FSUserDeleted 0009000b AccDelByUser 0009000c InvldConnTypeToAllocConn 0009000d InvldRTagToAllocConn 0009000e OutOfServerConns 0009000f ConnTermAfter5Min 00090010 UsrAccDisableBySta 00090011 UnEncryptPwdNotAllowed 00090012 SuperAccLockedByConsole 00090013 LoginDisabledByCon 00090014 LoginEnabledByCon
Volume Manager Alerts 000a0004 DskSpcNoDelFiles 000a0005 DskSpcNoLimbo 000a0006 VolSpcAlmostGone 000a0007 FATWrtErr 000a0008 DirWrtErr 000a0009 DirCopyRdErr 000a000a DirDblRdErr 000a000b AllocDirWrtErr 000a000c DirExpansionErr 000a000d DirTooLarge 000a000e ErrExpandingDir 000a000f ErrExpandingMem 000a0010 ErrDirGetTooLarge 000a0011 CreatingVolLog 000a0012 WrtVolLog 000a0013 VolDmtDevDeact 000a0014 OpnNETACCTFailed 000a0015 VolWrongDOSType 000a0016 NoOwnerNSfound 000a0017 VolStillActWithError 000a0019 VolumeObjectIDChanged
Set Commands & Command Line Processing Alerts 000c0003 InvalidRTagHOptions 000c0004 CheckAndAddHWNoGetRTag 000c0005 RemHWBadPtr 000c0016 FaultInConsoleCmdHandler
NLM Alerts 000d0003 ResourceRelErr 000d0004 InvalidRTag 000d0005 ErrUnldNLM
TTS Alerts 000e0004 ErrOpnTTSLOG 000e0005 ErrWrtTTSLOG 000e0006 TTSdownVolDismount 000e0007 TTSdisableByStaUsr 000e0008 TTSdisByOp 000e0009 TTSdisErrRdBackFile 000e000a TTSdisErrWrBackFile 000e000b TTSdisTooManyDefVol 000e000c TTSdisWrtVolDefInfo 000e000d TTSdisErrRdBkFlRecGen 000e000e TTSdisGrowMemTables 000e000f TTSdisErrAllDiskSp 000e0010 TTSdisDirErrOnBkFile 000e0011 TTSEnableByStaUsr 000e0012 TTStransAbortedForSta 000e0013 TTStooManyTransDelaying 000e0014 TTSNoMemForExpTransNodes
Lock Manager Alerts 000f0006 SysFileLockThresh 000f0007 StaFileLockThresh 000f0008 SysRecLockThresh 000f0009 StaRecLockThresh 000f000a OpLockTimeout
Compression Engine Alerts 0010000a NotEnoughRamForCompression 0010000b DiskErrorCompressing 0010000c UnknownErrorCompressing 0010000d InsufSpaceForDeCompression 0010000e DecompressUnknownCompVersion 0010000f UnknownDecompressError 00100010 InsufficientRAMToDecompress 00100011 CorruptCompFile 00100012 CorruptCompFileFN 00100013 CorruptCompFileFNSta 00100014 CompErrTempFileErr 00100015 CompErrOffsetTotalsMismatch 00100016 CompErrDataCodeCountMismatch 00100017 CompErrReadZeroBytesOrg 00100018 CompressErrorTreeTooBig 00100019 CompressErrorMatchSizeFail 0010001a CompErrLengthCodeCntMismatch 0010001b CompLargeLengthCodeCntMis 0010001c CompErrLengthTotalsMismatch 0010001d UnknownDecompressErrorFN 0010001e InsuffRAMToDecompressFN 0010001f DecompUnderFreePercentage 00100020 CompErrReadZeroBytesInt 00100021 CompErrHoleCountMismatch
SFT III Alerts 00110001 ErrMovingLogToMSEngine 00110002 ServerToServerComLinkActivated 00110003 ServerToServerComLinkFailure 00110004 ServerToServerComLinkDeact 00110005 OtherServerAttemptedToSync 00110006 ServerToServerComLinkBrokeOK 00110007 ServerSyncStartingIAmSecondary 00110008 BadSvrInitMsgFromOtherSvr 00110009 SvrToSvrCommLinkInitFailed 0011000a FailedDuringSyncWithReason 0011000b CommDrvLdDuringActivateWait 0011000c ErrWritingStatusDump 0011000d ComDrvFailureOnPrimary 0011000e ComDrvFailureOnSecondary 0011000f ErrFinishingGenStatusDump 00110010 SFTIIWhatToDoWithReasonString 00110011 SFTIIErrorUnexpected 00110012 SyncErrFromCustomServerNLM 00110013 SvrLinkHasPluggedPacket 00110014 SvrToBeRevived 00110015 ServersAreSyncPri 00110016 SvrCantRouteIPXSec 00110017 SrvIPXRouteInfoSec 00110018 ErrGivingRAMtoMS 00110019 MoreRAMgivenToMS 0011001a ServersAreSyncSec 0011001b SvrCantRouteIPXPri 0011001c SrvIPXRouteInfoPri 0011001d PriSvrFailedButSecDown 0011001e PriSvrFailedNewPri 0011001f NumMemSegsExceedLimit 00110020 NumScreenExceedsLimit 00110021 IOVersionMismatch 00110022 OtherSvrProtectLvlNoMatch 00110023 OtherSvrScrAddrMismatch 00110024 IOEngNotAtSameAddr 00110025 BothSvrHaveMSEng 00110026 NoMSEngOnServers 00110027 SecSvrMissingRAM 00110028 BothSrvHaveSameIPXAddr 00110029 IOEngIPXAddrMatchMSEng 0011002a IOEngsMismatchRxSizes 0011002b IOEngsHaveSameName 0011002c NoMemForIOEngName 0011002d SrvToSvrLinkBeginSync 0011002e MSEngActivated 0011002f MSEngActNowSyncOther 00110030 IOtoMSComMisMatchUnload 00110031 SFTIIIOutOfMsgCodes 00110032 ErrXferDumpToSystem 00110033 NoMemForOtherIOEngScr 00110034 SecIOEngSupModNotLd 00110035 FailureChkPrimary 00110036 MSLBdNumHasConn 00110037 SecSvrLANIsBetter 00110038 IPXrtnStatusPckts 00110039 IPXnotRtnStatChkPckts 0011003a IPXnotRtnStatLANJam 0011003b FailReasonByOtherSrv 0011003c IPXMayBeTooSlowForSecSrv 0011003d IPXToOtherSrvTooManyHops 0011003e IPXappearsDown 0011003f IPXFoundRouteToOtherSrv 00110040 IPXLostRoute 00110041 SecSrvGoingToDie 00110042 PriSrcDyingTimerStart 00110043 PriSrvDying 00110044 IPXInternetIsJammed 00110045 IPXNewRouteToSecSvr 00110047 SrvFailure 00110048 SrvsSyncing 0011005d IOEngCantBorrowMemory
Directory Services Alerts 80030024 DSAlertOnOpenFailedStruct 80030025 DSAlertOnOpenCorruptedStruct 80030026 DSAlertOnOpenSucceededStruct 80030027 DSAlertOnCloseStruct 80030028 DSAlertOnSkulkStruct 80030029 DSAlertServerOpenBind 80030030 DSAlertUserOpenBind 80030031 DSAlertServerCloseBind 80030032 DSAlertUserCloseBind 80030033 DSAlertIntruderLock 80030034 DSAlertIntruderLockoutNoAddr 80030035 DSAlertSyntheticTimeStruct 80030036 DSAlertSetServerDownStruct 80030037 DSAlertSetServerUpStruct 80030038 DSAlertNotEquivalentToMeStruct 80030039 DSAlertSyncRestrictStruct
Alias Assumption
Imagine a computer without shortcuts. Shortcuts make menial or repeatative tasks easier to accomplish, and that's what the ALIAS command is all about. ALIAS allows users to create alias commands or temporary shortcuts to frequently used commands. An alias is created at the server console by a user-defined keyword that represents a string (strings can include spaces and punctuation). When you enter the keyword at the command line, the server replaces the word with the string. The keyword remains in effect until you restart the server.
The syntax for ALIAS is as follows:
ALIAS [keyword[text]]
One alias I created to notify my neighboring co-worker of a continual disturbance read like this: ALIAS ed broadcast "ed, turn that elevator music down" Because such disturbances are frequent, I simply type "ed" at the server prompt, and voila, the message is sent. The useful possibilites for the ALIAS command are endless.
Note: If you are associating a keyword with a command string, make sure that you do not inadvertently leave out the keyword. If you do leave out the keyword, the first word in the command string becomes the keyword. If you then try to execute the command, the server will interpret it as a keyword, not as a command. For example, if you enter ALIAS LOAD INSTALL, "LOAD" becomes a keyword for "INSTALL." If you then try to execute a LOAD command, the server displays a message saying that INSTALL has been replaced by NWCONFIG.
You can display a list of already-defined aliases by simply typing "ALIAS". To disassociate an alias, type "ALIAS [alias]". For example, to rid the server of my "ed" alias, without restarting the server, I would type "ALIAS ed".
If you happen to like certain aliases and wish them to be more permanent, you can place your list of aliases in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. Then every time you restart the server, those aliases can be added automatically.
Java Applet Viewer
NetWare is a strong supporter of Java and allows Java applets to be executed from the server console. There are two commands for calling Java applets from the cosole. The APPLETVIEWER command, based on the command used in the Windows environment to launch a full Java executeable, and the APPLET command, created to save users from having to type the full command---yet another shortcut, thank you. Both commands do the same thing--allow you to run a Java applet outside of the context of a Web browser--one just offers less keystrokes.
Following Sun's Java Development Kit, Novell incorporated the same flag options for executing a Java applet on NetWare. The following is a description of the various APPLET command flags. For more information about the flags or Java in general, visit
-debug Starts the applet viewer in the Java debugger, allowing you to fix bugs as needed.
-j runtime flag Allows you to pass through arguments to the Java interpreter and is useful for adjusting the compiler's executing environment or memory usage.
To run an applet from the NetWare server console, type:
APPLET [flag] file
Note: If the file or URL does not include any applets (it searches for the APPLET tag), APPLET or APPLETVIEWER will do nothing. If you reference a file that does indeed have an applet within it, NetWare will launch NetWare's Java environment (the same in which ConsoleOne runs), and execute the applet within its own window.
For example, to run a simple clock Java applet without any flags, you would type: APPLET /public/applet/clock.html. This would load the applet in its own window within NetWare 5's console environment and run according to design and option.
Console Command
ALERT | Allows users to enable or disable the display and logging of specific alerts. | ALERT 50019 all off |
ALIAS | Allows users to create alias commands or temporary shortcuts to frequently used commands. | ALIAS ed broadcast "ed, turn that elevator music down" |
APPLET or APPLETVIWER | Allows Java applets to be executed from the NetWare server console. | APPLET /public/applet/clock.html |
* Originally published in Novell AppNotes
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