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Using DOS Batch Files with NetWare 4 to Ease the Transition from NetWare 3

Articles and Tips: article

Senior Research Engineer
Novell Research

01 Aug 1994

DOS users who have migrated from NetWare 3 to NetWare 4 may have noticed that some of the familiar NetWare 3 utilities are not in NetWare 4. Although NetWare 4 installs simple batch files to inform the unwary user that a particular utility is no longer supported, it would be more helpful if the batch file ran the NetWare 4 equivalent. This AppNote gives source code to DOS batch files that will do precisely that, to help smooth the transition to NetWare 4 for veteran NetWare users.

Batch File Support for NetWare 3 Nostalgia

NetWare 4 comes with a different set of DOS utilities than NetWare 3. Some new utilities were introduced, and the functionality of others was combined. This reduced the number of utilities that new NetWare users had to become familiar with, but it created problems for those who have been using NetWare for several years. I just can't seem to break the habit of trying to run SLIST when I want to find out if a particular server is up. NetWare 4 has a batch file called SLIST.BAT that displays the message:

This utility is no longer supported with v4.0.
Use NLIST Server /B

While this message is helpful, wouldn't it be better if the batch file took the next step and called NLIST for you? The 1024th time I saw the "This utility is no longer supported with v4.0." message, I decided it was time to edit the batch files in my SYS:PUBLIC directory so that I would never see this message again.

As with nearly all projects, rewriting these batch files turned out to be a little more difficult than it first appeared. On a NetWare 4 file server, there are 24 batch files in the SYS:PUBLIC directory. Two of them, MENU_X.BAT and NMENU.BAT, are used by the NetWare 4 menu system. With each of the remaining 22 files, I intended to write batch files that passed command line parameters to the new NetWare 4 utility so it would run the same as the no-longer-supported NetWare 3 utility.

With three of the files - GRANT.BAT, REMOVE.BAT, and REVOKE.BAT - the command line syntax was too complicated to convert, given the limitations of DOS batch files. With DSPACE.BAT, the functionality of the NetWare 3 DSPACE utility was split between two NetWare 4 utilities, FILER and NETADMIN, so there was no way to tell which utility to run. That left 18 batch files that I was able to rewrite with some success.

This AppNote lists the contents of these batch files. Each one has a command line option (/?) that displays the batch file's command line syntax. It also displays the command line syntax for the corresponding NetWare 4 utility. In the text, I have noted any limitations the batch files have relative to the corresponding NetWare 3 utilities.

You can find these batch files in the directory /novell/appnotes/1994/august/2 on the Novell Research CD-ROM. You may also click on the name of each batch file and select "Save to File" when asked to retrieve it.


if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
if "%1"=="" goto noopt
rights %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 /F
goto end
rights *.* /F
goto end
echo    Usage: ALLOW [path [rightslist]]
echo    or use RIGHTS [path [rightslist] /F


The NetWare 3 ATTACH utility prompts you for a server name and user name if they are not specified on the command line. ATTACH.BAT requires you to specify both the file server and user name. For example, to attach to file server DANGER as user PHILO, you must run ATTACH DANGER/PHILO.

if "%1"=="" goto usage
if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
login %1 /NS
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo   Usage: ATTACH fileserver/username
echo   or use LOGIN fileserver/username /NS


if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
if "%1"=="ALL" goto all
if "%1"=="All" goto all
if "%1"=="all" goto all
rem you can add lines for "ALl" "AlL" "aLL" "alL" "aLl" 
if you want,
rem but this is getting ridiculous
send /A=C
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
send /A=N
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo   Usage: CASTOFF [All]
echo   or use SEND /A=C


if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
send /A
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo    Usage: CASTON
echo    or use SEND /A


CHKDIR.BAT calls NetWare 4's NDIR utility, which converts an initial backslash to a forward slash. You must therefore use a volume or drive specification to get directory space information on a full path. For example, you must use CHKDIR f:\users, not CHKDIR \users.

if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
ndir %1 /SPA
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo Usage: CHKDIR [path]
echo or use NDIR [path] /SPA


In NetWare 3, CHKVOL allowed you to use wildcards to specify a volume name (S* would give volume statistics for all volumes that start with "S"). This doesn't work with CHKVOL.BAT. Running CHKVOL.BAT with no parameters displays volume statistics on the volume to which the default drive is mapped. Running CHKVOL * gives volume statistics for all volumes on the preferred server.

if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
ndir %1 /VOL
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo    Usage:CHKVOL [path]
echo    or use NDIR [path] 


if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo    Usage: ENDCAP [/CANCEL] [/LOCAL=N]
echo    or: ENDCAP [/CANCEL] [/ALL]
echo    or use CAPTURE /ENDCAP


if "%1"=="" goto usage
if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
flag %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 /DO
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo    Usage: FLAGDIR [path [flags]]
echo           Flags:  N  Normal
echo                   SY System
echo                   H  Hidden
echo                   P  Purge
echo                   DI DeleteInhibit
echo                   RI RenameInhibit
echo   or use FLAG [path [flags]] /DO


LISTDIR.BAT only accepts one command-line option at a time: /R, /E, /D, /S, or /A.

if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
if "%1"=="/E" goto rights1
if "%1"=="/e" goto rights1
if "%1"=="/A" goto all1
if "%1"=="/a" goto all1
if "%2"=="/R" goto rights2
if "%2"=="/r" goto rights2
if "%2"=="/E" goto rights2
if "%2"=="/e" goto rights2
if "%2"=="/D" goto date
if "%2"=="/d" goto date
if "%2"=="/S" goto subdir
if "%2"=="/s" goto subdir
if "%2"=="/A" goto all2
if "%2"=="/a" goto all2
ndir %1 /DO
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
ndir /R /DO
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
ndir /R /DA /S /DO
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
ndir %1 /R /DO
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
ndir %1 /DA /DO
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
ndir %1 /S /DO
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
ndir %1 /R /DA /S /DO
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
:usageecho LISTDIR.BAT
echo    Usage: LISTDIR [path [option]]
echo           options /R Rights
echo                   /E Effective rights
echo                   /D Date/time
echo                   /S Subdirectory
echo                   /A All
echo    or use NDIR [path] /DO


File salvaging was incorporated into NetWare 4's FILER utility.



NetWare 4's NETUSER utility incorporates all the functionality that was in NetWare 3's SESSION utility.



@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto all
if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
nlist Server = %1 /B
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
nlist Server /B
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo    Usage: SLIST [Servername]
echo           Servername may include wildcards
echo    or use NLIST Server [= Servername] /B


Running SMODE.BAT with no file specification displays flags for all files, not just executable files. The flag display includes search mode for executables. When changing a file's search mode, do not use the /M command line option that was optional with NetWare3's SMODE utility, just specify the new mode number. For example, run SMODE FILE.EXE 0, rather than SMODE FILE.EXE /M=0.

if "%1"=="" goto all
if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
if "%1"=="/S" goto subdir1
if "%1"=="/s" goto subdir1
if "%2"=="" goto filespec
if "%2"=="/S" goto subdir2
if "%2"=="/s" goto subdir2
flag %1 /M=%2
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
flag *.* /S
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
flag %1 /S
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
flag %1
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
:usageecho SMODE.BAT
echo Usage: SMODE [path [mode]] /S
echo option /S include subdirectories
echo modes: 0 shell default search mode
echo 1 search on all opens with no path
echo 2 do not search
echo 3 search on read-only opens with no path
echo 4 reserved (do not use)
echo 5 search on all opens
echo 6 reserved (do not use)
echo 7 search on all read-only opens
echo or use FLAG path /M=mode


NetWare 4's NETADMIN utility incorporates all the functionality of NetWare 3's SYSCON utility.



The NetWare 3 TLIST utility allowed you to specify whether you wanted to see just user or group trustee assignments for a specified path. TLIST.BAT always displays both user and group trustee assignments.

if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
rights %1 /T
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo Usage: TLIST [path]
echo or use rights [path] /T


USERLIST.BAT only displays users logged in to the preferred file server. USERLIST.BAT does not accept the /A command line option, but this option is unnecessary, since NetWare 4's NLIST displays the user's network and node addresses. USERLIST.BAT does not accept the /O option (which displays the object type of each object logged in to the file server); it only displays user objects that are logged in.

@echo off
if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
if "%1"=="" goto all
nlist User = %1 /A /B
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
nlist User /A /B
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo Usage: USERLIST 
echo or use NLIST USER [= username] /A /B


if "%1"=="/?" goto usage
ndir %1 /ver
if %errorlevel==1 goto usage
goto end
echo    Usage: VERSION [path]
echo    or use NDIR [path] /VER


NetWare 4's FILER utility incorporates all the functionality that was in NetWare 3's VOLINFO utility.


Source Code

If you don't want to type in the batch files, you can download them from the NetWire forum on CompuServe, Type GO NOVLIB and access Library 11. They are in a self-extracting archive file named N4BATS.EXE.

* Originally published in Novell AppNotes


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