Updating and Registering Novell Linux Small Business Overview
Updated 26 Jul 2005
Novell Linux Small Business is updated from the Novell update server at https://update.novell.com/data. The updates are downloaded and installed using Red Carpet or rug.
Customers who wish to use a graphical update tool use Red Carpet and those who wish to update with a command-line tool use rug. Both rug and Red Carpet connect to the Red Carpet daemon, rcd, during operation.
The Novell update server hosts two channels for updating NLSBS. The channels are as follows:
sles9: Holds the updates for the base SLES 9 server.
nlsbs9: Holds the updates for the Novell software shipped with NLSBS. nlsbs9 is only available for purchased activation codes. Evaluation codes do not include access to the nlsbs9 channel.
NLSBS ships with Novell Linux Desktop and updates for the NLD systems are included. The NLD systems can be activated to the Novell update server using the same activation code used to activate the NLSBS server. The NLD systems are updated using Red Carpet or rug and can subscribe to the following two channels:
nld9: Holds the updates for the standard NLD system.
nld9-sdk: Holds the updates for sdk components.
In summary, the update process is completed as follows:
Obtain a valid NLSBS activation code.
Install NLSBS. NLSBS does not access updates during installation.
After installation, activate NLSBS against the Novell update server and subscribe to the NLSBS update channels.
Install updates from the NLSBS channels.