The LDAP Snapin is older than the LDAP object you are trying to administer.

(Last modified: 06Jul2005)

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Novell eDirectory 8.7 for All Platforms

eDirectory 8703

eDirectory 8704


The LDAP Snapin is older than the LDAP object you are trying to administer.


The patch eDirectory or eDirectory was applied to the server.


The patches eDirectory 8703 and 8704 updates the NLDAP modules.  The NLDAP ConsoleOne snapins compare the version of NLDAP against what the snapin thinks it should support.  If there is a difference, the error above will occur.  The purpose of the error is to warn administrators against old snapins running that may not have all of the new feature set. 


In this case, the error is cosmetic.  There are no new features added to the NLDAP module between eDirectory 8.7 and 8703 or 8704.  This will be resolved with new ConsoleOne snapins that will be shipped with eDirectory 8.7.1.  This error can be safely ignored.


Steps to Duplicate:
1. Upgrade server from 8.7 to 8703 or 8704
2. Click on a LDAP server or Group object in ConsoleOne

The following message will be displayed:
"The LDAP Snapin is older than the LDAP object you are trying to administer.  Upgrade your napin or use the 'Other' page to administer settings not show."


For additional information on eDirectory 8.7, please see the following solution.  NOVL81742  - eDirectory 8.7 Readme Addendum


Document Title: The LDAP Snapin is older than the LDAP object you are trying to administer.
Document ID: 10083810
Solution ID: NOVL89856
Creation Date: 02Jun2003
Modified Date: 06Jul2005
Novell Product Class:NetWare
Novell eDirectory


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