ndssnmpsa returns a -1418 and -1411 error when starting on Linux
(Last modified: 31Jan2003)
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Novell eDirectory 8.7 for Linux
ndssnmpsa returns a -1418 and -1411 error when starting on Linux
ERROR: "Unable to Unwrap key, err = -1418"
ERROR: "Cannot get key format of key -1411"
ERROR: "Unable to initialize desAlgorithm, err = -1411."
ERROR: "encrypt function, err = -1411"
The command 'snmpwalk localhost public enterprises.novell' works correctly
An ndssnmp.dat file was created with credentials from a previous tree installed on the same UNIX host.
Rename or delete the /etc/ndssnmp/ndssnmp.dat file, and restart the ndssnmpsa service
For additional information on eDirectory 8.7, please see the following solution. NOVL81742 - eDirectory 8.7 Readme Addendum
The complete startup looks like this:
[root@localhost ndssnmp]# service ndssnmpsa start
Starting NDS SNMP Subagent ...
CCS Init Successful
Unable to Unwrap key, err = -1418
Source Tree Name: .RH7287A-5535
Enter userName Context: admin.novell
Remember password - (y/n): y
Cannot get key format of key -1411
Unable to initialize desAlgorithm, err = -1411.
encrypt function, err = -1411
Document Title: | ndssnmpsa returns a -1418 and -1411 error when starting on Linux |
Document ID: | 10079355 |
Solution ID: | NOVL86296 |
Creation Date: | 24Jan2003 |
Modified Date: | 31Jan2003 |
Novell Product Class: | Novell Directory Services |
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