Synchronization errors while sending objects to a filtered replica.

(Last modified: 07Feb2003)

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Novell eDirectory 8.7 for All Platforms


Synchronization errors while sending objects to a filtered replica.


Filters in a filtered replica do not keep referential integrity.  This means that if a schema definition is deleted from the tree and a filtered replica had that definition defined in its filter, the objects being synchronized will generate schema errors (the error will differ depending on what was deleted and what was defined in the filter).


If schema is deleted from the tree, this should be a rare occurence and is not recommended as a general practice, any filters that use the deleted schema definitions will need to be manually modified to avoid synchronization errors.

For additional information on eDirectory 8.7, please see the following solution.  NOVL81742 - eDirectory 8.7 Readme Addendum 


Document Title: Synchronization errors while sending objects to a filtered replica.
Document ID: 10078274
Solution ID: NOVL85333
Creation Date: 03Jan2003
Modified Date: 07Feb2003
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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