Error: Insufficient rights to modify schema during eDirectory 8.7 install

(Last modified: 15Sep2003)

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Novell eDirectory 8.7 for All Platforms


Error:  Insufficient rights to modify schema during eDirectory 8.7 install

eDirectory install fails for container administrators


eDirectory installation supports installation from administrators who have supervisor rights to the container that the server resides in.  In order to handle this, the user installing eDirectory 8.7 onto the first server in the tree must have supervisor rights to root to extend schema.  From that point on, subsequent servers do not require rights to root.  However, with eDirectory 8.7, depending on the platform that eDirectory 8.7 is installed onto first, all of the schema may not be extended, requiring supervisor rights to root for subsequent servers on different servers.


If eDirectory 8.7 will be installed on multiple platforms, make sure that you have supervisor rights to root for the first server that is having eDirectory installed for EACH platform.  I.E.  If the first server that eDirectory 8.7 is going to be installed is running Netware, and eDirectory 8.7 will also be installed onto Solaris, the first server for each platform must have supervisor rights to root.  Subsequent servers on each platform will only have to have container administrator rights to the container where the server is being installed into.


Steps to Duplicate
1.  Install eDirectory 8.7 onto a Netware 6 box with supervisor rights to root.
2.  Install eDirectory 8.7 onto a Unix box with container admin rights to the container where the server resides (not root).

See the insufficient rights error.


For additional information on eDirectory 8.7, please see the following solution.  NOVL81742  - eDirectory 8.7 Readme Addendum


Document Title: Error:  Insufficient rights to modify schema during eDirectory 8.7 install
Document ID: 10076637
Solution ID: NOVL83874
Creation Date: 08Nov2002
Modified Date: 15Sep2003
Novell Product Class:Novell Directory Services


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