Reduce OFFILES Directory Size or Problem 82 running Gwcheck

(Last modified: 19Apr2006)

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Reduce OFFILES Directory Size


Novell GroupWise 5.5

Novell GroupWise 6.0

Content check on the post office did not resolve the issue.  See OFFILES too large.


OFFILES directory is very large.

Would like to recover disk space from the OFFILES directory.

There are files in the OFFILES directory under the post office, that are years old.

Error when a content check is run.

Error: Problem 82 inaccessible attachment file referenced in record <#>.


Run a contents check on the postoffice.  Choose user, and message databases.


There is a reference to an orphaned attachment file.  This reference must be removed before a content check will remove the orphaned attachment file.


For GroupWise 5.5 and Enhancement Pack: 

1. Use the latest version of the standalone GWCHECK (5/11/2000 or later for Non-Enhancement Pack version or 5/24/2001 or later for the Enhancement Pack).
2. Create a file named GWCHECK.CFG in the same directory where the GWCHECK executable resides.  In the GWCHECK.CFG put the word ATTCLIP with one hard return after it.
3. Run an Analyze/Fix Contents on the affected Post Office. Mark only "Contents", "Fix problems", "User" and "Message".

For GroupWise 6.X: 

Do not create the ATTCLIP.NGW file.  Instead select the Misc tab in GWCHECK and put ATTCLIP as the support option.

ATTCLIP - Removes references of lost attachments files


This issue could cause errors when moving a user


Document Title: Reduce OFFILES Directory Size or Problem 82 running Gwcheck
Document ID: 10025943
Solution ID: 1.0.53102480.2522358
Creation Date: 01Feb2000
Modified Date: 19Apr2006
Novell Product Class:Groupware


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