Knowledge Partner
Shaun Pond
Birthday: 29 January | |||
High Wycombe, Bucks, UK | |||
Group Map | |||
After 14 years with Novell, Shaun has joined the team at ENGL (Expert Network Group Limited), supporting customers who are using ENGL's Windows deployment software. Shaun's been working with ZENworks for more years than he can remember (at his age, he's lucky if he can remember what he had for breakfast!), including much of the considerable time (15 years!) he spent working for the UK's largest food retailer.
Shaun has worked with NetWare since the days of 2.0a, but didn't get round to getting his CNE until a few years ago. His boss told him he needed to pass his CNE, so Shaun took and passed all the CNE exams one morning, in a total of 90 minutes, start to finish...
Shaun spends his time in the ZENworks forums trying, and usually failing, to find enough time to be able to look in at any other forums.
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