LIBC error codes

(Last modified: 27Jan2006)

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LIBC error codes


Novell NetWare 6.5


The LIBC error codes below are listed for general reference.  LIBC error codes are not generally displayed in end-user messages.  They are more often found in application error logs or debug logs.   Depending on various factors, the error numbers could represent different issues, but these are the most common meanings of these errors.  For example, different APIs within LIBC could make use of the same error code for slightly different situations.

If the source of an error number is not known, do not assume it should be looked up on this list.  This is only for return codes generated by LIBC.NLM APIs.  For example, these codes do not necessarily apply to CLIB.NLM or eDirectory errors.

The error number (second column) is most likely the key that someone will need look up, so the errors below are sorted on that value.  The common meaning is on the right.  The value on the left is LIBC's internally defined label.

NX_ENOENT       1   no such file or directory
NX_E2BIG        2   argument list too big
NX_ENOEXEC      3   exec format error
NX_EBADF        4   bad file number (descriptor or handle)
NX_ENOMEM       5   not enough memory
NX_EACCES       6   permission denied
NX_EEXIST       7   file exists
NX_EXDEV        8   cross-device link
NX_EINVAL       9   invalid argument
NX_ENFILE       10  file table overflow
NX_EMFILE       11  too many open files
NX_ENOSPC       12  no space left on device
NX_ERANGE       14  result too large
NX_EDEADLK      15  resource deadlock would occur
NX_EINUSE       16  resource(s) in use
NX_ESERVER      17  server error (memory out, I/O error, etc.)
NX_ENOSERVR     18  no server (queue server, file server, etc.)
NX_EWRNGKND     19  wrong kind--an operation is being attempted on the wrong kind of object
NX_ETRNREST     20  transaction restarted
NX_ERESOURCE    21  resources unavailable (maybe permanently)
NX_EBADHNDL     22  bad non-file handle (screen, semaphore, etc.)
NX_EAGAIN       24  resource temporarily unavailable
NX_EIO          28  physical I/O error

NX_EPIPE        32  broken pipe
NX_EALREADY     37  operation already in progress

NX_ETIMEDOUT    60  connection timed out
NX_EBUSY        62  resource busy
NX_EINTR        63  interrupted function call
NX_EISDIR       64  is a directory (not a file)
NX_ENAMETOOLONG 65  filename too long
NX_ENOSYS       66  function not implemented
NX_ENOTDIR      67  not a directory
NX_ENOTEMPTY    68  directory is not empty
NX_EPERM        69  operation not permitted

NX_ECHILD       70  no child process
NX_EFBIG        71  file too large
NX_EMLINK       72  too many links
NX_ENOLCK       74  no locks available
NX_ESRCH        77  no such object
NX_ENOTSUP      79  this optional functionality not supported

NX_EBADTYPE     80  bad type for operation
NX_EOVERFLOW    81  operation would overflow
NX_EHOSTDOWN    82  host is down
NX_EHOSTUNREACH 83  no route to host
NX_EPROCLIM     84  too many processes

NX_EUNKNOWN     99  unknown error occurring
NX_ENLMDATA     100 anomaly in NLM data structure
NX_EILSEQ       101 illegal character sequence in multibyte
NX_EINCONSIS    102 internal library inconsistency
NX_EDOSTEXTEOL  103 DOS-text file inconsistency--no newline after carriage return
NX_ENONEXTANT   104 object doesn't exist
NX_ENOCONTEXT   105 the caller is not an NKS thread
NX_ENAMESPACE   106 invalid namespace or namespace operation
NX_EBADCONN     107 invalid connection
NX_EEXHAUSTED   108 end of search

NX_EFILESYS     111 generic file system error
NX_ESUFFICIENT  112 insufficient space for any operation result
NX_EPARTONLY    113 partial result only  for lack of space

NX_EBADIDENT    114 invalid user or other identity
ENDS            115 generic eDirectory error, see 'h_errno'
ENCP            116 generic NCP error, see 'h_errno'
ELOOKUP         117 generic look-up error, see 'h_errno'



Document Title: LIBC error codes
Document ID: 10100304
Solution ID: NOVL104973
Creation Date: 27Jan2006
Modified Date: 27Jan2006
Novell Product Class:Netware


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