The Just Imaged Flag is not able to be set manually if Kickstart or AutoYaST was used beforehand.
(Last modified: 19Jun2006)
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Novell ZENworks Linux Management
Novell ZENworks 7 Linux Management - ZLM7
The Just Imaged Flag is not able to be set manually if Kickstart or AutoYaST was used beforehand.
The Device ID in the Image Safe Data does not get stored if the Just Imaged Flag (flags) is set to 0.
If you have an environment that already has a RedHat Kickstart server or a SuSE AutoYaST server you would see the following:
1. You may want to continue to use this server and you don't want to migrate to the ZLM equilivents.
2. You continue to use the current solution and start to notice multiple registrations for their machine in ZCC. You see this because you have reinstalled the machine multiple times.
The root cause is the deviceid is being re-created with each install. If it was possible to set the Just Imaged flag from the AutoYaST server script then the Image safe data could be used and the problem would be solved.
Reported to Novell Engineering.
Document Title: | The Just Imaged Flag is not able to be set manually if Kickstart or AutoYaST was used beforehand. |
Document ID: | 10100253 |
Solution ID: | NOVL104889 |
Creation Date: | 24Jan2006 |
Modified Date: | 19Jun2006 |
Novell Product Class: | Management Products |
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