McAfee Anti-virus stops NetWare Support Packs from being unpacked properly

(Last modified: 26Jul2005)

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McAfee Anti-virus stops NetWare Support Packs from being unpacked properly


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 3

Novell NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 8

McAfee VirusScan 8.0i


Loader cannot find public symbol RegisterNSSFlushAPIs for module NSS

register nss flush api

SERVER.EXE is not copied to the C:\NWSERVER directory

Server will not start up properly after applying NW65SP3

NSS errors when attempting LOADSTAGE 1


What is happening is that McAfee VirusScan is stopping the creation of SERVER.EXE when it is put in the  directory names STARTUP (McAfee stops any .EXE from being copied to the STARTUP directory)


Disable all anti-virus software prior to extracting the latest Support Pack on the Server

Copy the correct SERVER.EXE to the server


There have been some customers reporting that it is not sufficient to stop the on-access scanner, but you need completely remove McAfee


Document Title: McAfee Anti-virus stops NetWare Support Packs from being unpacked properly
Document ID: 10097030
Solution ID: NOVL101405
Creation Date: 17Mar2005
Modified Date: 26Jul2005
Novell Product Class:Netware


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