How to use ldapsearch to search for attributes with syntax Octet String

(Last modified: 02Mar2005)

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How to use ldapsearch to search for attributes with syntax Octet string


Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for All Platforms


How to search for eDirectory Attributes with syntax Octet String like GUID


Only precence and exact match is supported on Octect String

The data stored in a attribute with syntaxt Octect String is Bindary Data


The syntax of the ldap filter for ldapsearch is "GUID=\<HEXValueOfCharacter>. Let's assume the GUID is: 01345E19 6AF6D811 99D2B205 D1439511, the syntax would be:

Ldapsearch -b "o=novell" -h x.x.x.x -p xxx -D cn=admin,o=novell -w xxxxx  "GUID=\01\34\5E\19\6A\F6\D8\11\99\D2\B2\05\D1\43\95\11" cn guid

This will return the attributes cn and the GUID of the object that matches the specified GUID. The GUID will be returned in BASE64 encoding.


Document Title: How to use ldapsearch to search for attributes with syntax Octet String
Document ID: 10096551
Solution ID: NOVL100936
Creation Date: 08Feb2005
Modified Date: 02Mar2005
Novell Product Class:Novell Directory Services


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