Interpreting the Middle Tier statistics
(Last modified: 10Feb2004)
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Interpreting the Middle Tier statistics
Novell ZENworks for Desktops 4 - ZFD4
Novell ZENworks for Desktops 4.0.1 - ZFD401
Novell ZENworks Middle Tier
Go to the http://<midtier/oneNet/xtier-stats url, or choose the Middle Tier Server Usage / Statistics link from the http://<midtier/oneNet/nsadmin url.
The following is a list of Middle Tier statistics and what they represent:
- server-up: Time (in GMT) since Xtier has been up
- total-requests: total number of requests handled by Xtier since it was up
- bytes-read: total number of bytes read by Xtier (as payload) from all requests since it was up
- bytes-written: total number of bytes written by Xtier from all requests since it was up
- outstanding requests - number of requests being handled currently (at the same time as this request)
- sessions: number of (authenticated) session currently in active
- max-concurrent-sessions: the maximum of session that were concurrently active at one point in time since Xtier has been up
- sessions-created: total number of sessions (cumulative) that have been created since Xtier has been up
- authentication-failovers: number of times Xtier had to switch to an alternate host while attempting to authenticate a user to the backend
- login-failures: total number (cumulative) of failed authentication attempts (for whatever reason) since Xtier has been up
If you have a high number of login-failures, this could be due to the fact that your users are not in the default context and therefore a login failure will need to occur before the LDAP lookup finds the correct context for the user and proceeds to successfully login.
Document Title: | Interpreting the Middle Tier statistics |
Document ID: | 10091113 |
Solution ID: | NOVL95477 |
Creation Date: | 10Feb2004 |
Modified Date: | 10Feb2004 |
Novell Product Class: | Management Products |
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