Configure AutoAdminLogon to log users into NDS and onto Windows

(Last modified: 03Jan2004)

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Configure AutoAdminLogon to log users into NDS and onto Windows


Novell Clients for Windows NT/2000/XP


A workstation can be configured to auto log the user into NDS and/or Windows (local machine or domain).  The user information can be set in the registry so that the user is never prompted to log in.  The registry information is below.

This information applies to the 4.71 clients and higher.  However, if running the 4.9 client, there is an additional step that is shown in TID 10088082.


========= NT Auto Logon ==============
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AutoAdminLogon
 Value: 1
 Data Type: REG_SZ

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\DefaultDomainName
 Value: The NT NetBios of the local machine or the domain name
 Data Type: REG_SZ

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\DefaultUserName
 Value: The NT Default User Name
 Data Type: REG_SZ

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\DefaultPassword
 Value: The NT password
 Data Type: REG_SZ

========= Novell Auto Login ==============
 Value: 1
 Data Type: REG_SZ

 Value: "Default"
 Data Type: REG_SZ

 Value: NDS Password
 Data Type: REG_SZ

 Value: 0
 Data Type: DWORD

HKLM\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\[Location_Profile_Name]\UserName
 Value: NDS Username
 Data Type: REG_SZ

HKLM\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\Tab1\Context
 Value: NDS Context (example: USERS.100MAINST.NYC.ACME)
 Data Type: REG_SZ

HKLM\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\Tab1\Server
 Value: Preferred Server (this is optional)
 Data Type: REG_SZ

HKLM\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\Tab1\ Tree
 Value: NDS Tree
 Data Type: REG_SZ

HKLM\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\Tab3\DefaultDomainName
 Value: The NT NetBios of the local machine or the domain name
 Data Type: REG_SZ

HKLM\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\Tab3\DefaultUserName
 Value: The NT Default User Name
 Data Type: REG_SZ


Document Title: Configure AutoAdminLogon to log users into NDS and onto Windows
Document ID: 10087621
Solution ID: NOVL92988
Creation Date: 07Oct2003
Modified Date: 03Jan2004
Novell Product Class:Netware Client


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