Tomcat 4 on NetWare 6.5 will not load
(Last modified: 18Jun2004)
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Tomcat 4.x
Novell NetWare 6.5
Novell GroupWise WebAccess 6.5
Tomcat 4 will not successfully start
Error "tccheck: LDAP is not up yet; waiting
LDAP connectivity not found on ldap://localhost:636
From the logger screen you will see the following:
LDAP connectivity not found on ldap://localhost:636
Please load NLDAP and then manually execute command: sys:/tomcat/4/bin/startup"
Re-installed the Certificate Authority
The server doesn't understand what localhost is.
Tomcat 4 on NetWare 6.5 requires LDAP connectivity on port 636 to load. During install, The public key from the LDAP host certificate is exported and placed in the sys:/adminsrv/conf/.keystore file.
If the LDAP servers SSL certificate is changed or becomes invalid, Tomcat 4 will fail to load with a "Could not contact LDAP" error on the Logger Screen. To resolve this issue, the public key will need to be re-exported to the .keystore file.
TOMCAT4 must know what the "localhost" is.
First thing you want to try is pinging localhost. If you cannot ping localhost or the server doesn't understand the "localhost" alias, TOMCAT4 will not start. Check the SYS:\ETC\HOSTS file for the "localhost" entry. If not there, add it. The HOSTS file may have become corrupted and may be necessary to rename the SYS:\ETC\HOSTS file and replace it with a HOSTS file from another server. Try starting TOMCAT4 before continuing onto the next steps. If TOMCAT4 loads succesfully, then there is no need to proceed. Unzip this file to the root of the SYS volume on the 6.5 server. It will put an NCF, "tcedirint.ncf" into sys:/system, and some supporting jars into sys:/adminsrv/lib To run the tool, execute tcedirint from the server console with the following parameters: Do not include the CN, only the context. ie. tcedirint ou=adminusers,o=mycompany ou=servers,o=mycompany The Origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is for your information only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.
1) the full LDAP context of your admin user (for example, ou=adminusers,o=mycompany)
2) the full LDAP context of your server (for example, ou=servers,o=mycompany)document
Document Title: Tomcat 4 on NetWare 6.5 will not load Document ID: 10087091 Solution ID: NOVL92542 Creation Date: 18Sep2003 Modified Date: 18Jun2004 Novell Product Class: Management Products
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