"403 Host name received is not for this web site"

(Last modified: 29Jun2004)

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"403 Host Name received is not from this web site"

"403 your browser must support cookies"


iChain 2.1


Internet Explorer is case sensitive, so the DNS name typed in the address field must match that of the DNS name in the accelerator including CASE sensitivity.  Netscape does not have this problem.


Go to the accelerator and make sure the case matches what is being typed in the browsers address field.  This is most often lower case.  An error "403 your browser must support cookies" may also be resolved with this change. 


NOTE: To change the case of an accelerators DNS name, you can either delete and recreate the accelerator or change the DNS name to something entirely different click ok, then go back into the accelerator and you should be able to change the case.  For example:  If you try to change the accelerator DNS from  NPS.LINNY.COM to nps.linny.com it will not work unless you first change the DNS to something different like zig.provo.novell.com click ok, then go back in and and change the DNS to nps.linny.com and the change in case will keep.


Document Title: "403 Host name received is not for this web site"
Document ID: 10080406
Solution ID: NOVL87274
Creation Date: 20Feb2003
Modified Date: 29Jun2004
Novell Product Class:Connectivity Products


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