Some Persistent SET and NSS parameters reset after the second reboot

(Last modified: 30Oct2002)

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Novell NetWare 6.0


Some Persistent SET and NSS parameters reset after the second reboot

Persistent NSS and/or SET parameters that require setting at startup time (denoted either by 'startuponly' or 'startup.ncf') appear to save and remain persistent on the first reboot but return to the default value on the second reboot.


When a change is made to a persistent startup parameter in NetWare it does not write the entry out to the registry at this time, it will write the data to a 'pending value' area and set the 'pending value' registry flag.  Next reboot the server will read the flag at startup time and import the modified parameters into the registry.

The problem occurs on the second reboot because we were not clearing the flag, therefore when the server attempted to read the values for these parameters on the second reboot it would return an error and go back to the default setting.


Fix for NetWare 6.0
Support Pack 2 (NW6SP2.EXE) or later.

This issue is resolved for both NetWare 6 in FLSYSFT6.EXE (or later).

For NSS these parameters are settable by starting NetWare with a -z option (i.e. server -z"/NameCacheSize=65521".  You can also put the settings in the c:\nwserver\nssstart.cfg file which is read by NSS at startup time.


Document Title: Some Persistent SET and NSS parameters reset after the second reboot
Document ID: 10068261
Solution ID: NOVL71719
Creation Date: 12Feb2002
Modified Date: 30Oct2002
Novell Product Class:NetWare
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