Changing the IP address for the Enterprise Web Server on NetWare 6

(Last modified: 07Nov2002)

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Novell NetWare 6

Novell Small Business Suite 6

Novell Enterprise Web Server (NES) 3.6


Changing the IP address for the Enterprise Web Server on NetWare 6


First, verify that the Web Manager has the proper IP address.  On NetWare 6 the Web Manager is ran on the Apache Web server.  To verify or change the IP address open SYS:\APACHE\CONF\ADMINSERV.CONF with a text editor like notepad or wordpad.  

This first section is the IP address for the standalone Apache Web server:

# Start Apache Services Port Configuration
Port 51080
<IfModule mod_tls.c>
    SecureListen "SSL CertificateDNS"
# End Apache Services Port Configuration

This section refers to the Web Manager:

# NetWare Web Manager config starts

<IfModule mod_tls.c>
    SecureListen "SSL CertificateDNS"
#   Listen

    ServerAdmin mymailname@mail.server
    DocumentRoot sys:/webapps/WebAdmin
    ErrorLog sys:/novonyx/suitespot/admin-serv/logs/errors.txt
    CustomLog sys:/novonyx/suitespot/admin-serv/logs/access.txt common
    DefaultType text/html
    BrowserMatch "MSIE" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

# configuration for the /WebAdmin context ends.

    Redirect /iManage/
    Redirect /iManage
    Include "SYS:/webapps/eMFrame/WEB-INF/eMFrame-apache.conf"

After making the changes to this file down the apache web server by typing NVXADMDN at the server console.  Then restart the Apache Web Server by typing NVXADMUP at the server console.  At this point the web manager can be accessed on the new IP address by typing the URL https://ipaddress:2200 in a browser.

Once the page is displayed there is an option for the NETWARE ENTERPRISE WEB SERVERS with a listing below of the server that can be managed.  Select the server name and when prompted authenticate as an administrator of the tree (i.e. admin).  If the administrator name being used is in a context other than where the server is installed make sure to use the full context including a leading period (i.e. .admin.novell).

Next under SERVER PREFERENCES select NETWORK SETTINGS and change BIND TO address to match the new IP address for the server.  Select OK then SAVE AND APPLY.

Next select the button for CONTENT MANAGEMENT then select HARDWARE VIRTUAL SERVERS.  Look under the list for CURRENT VIRTUAL SERVERS for the old IP address.  If found select EDIT and modify the IP ADDRESS to reflect the new IP address on the server. Select OK then SAVE AND APPLY.  Once this is completed the Enterprise Web Server will be listening on the new IP address.

Finally, in SYS:\ETC edit the HOSTS file and make sure the new IP address is listed along with the server name (example: ServerName).

**NOTE** The IP address for the Enterprise Web Server can also be manually modified by editing the SYS:\NOVONYX\SUITESPOT\HTTPS-SERVERNAME\CONFIG\OBJ.CONF and SYS:\NOVONYX\SUITESPOT\HTTPS-SERVERNAME\CONFIG\MAGNUS.CONF files.  However, it is best to make these changes through the administrative interface.

**NOTE** See TID 10067853 for all known IP address change locations required for a NetWare 6 server as a whole.


Document Title: Changing the IP address for the Enterprise Web Server on NetWare 6
Document ID: 10067790
Solution ID: NOVL69812
Creation Date: 23Jan2002
Modified Date: 07Nov2002
Novell Product Class:Groupware
Novell BorderManager Services


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