Add Pool Warning

(Last modified: 15Jan2003)

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Add Pool Warning


Novell NetWare 6.0

NetWare Cluster Services 1.6

Compaq Array


Add Pool Warning when trying to create NSS Pools

Could not create the pool on a shared device because the clustering software is either not loaded or it is not operational.

Create pools but they are not shareable


When configuring a Compaq array Selective Storage Presentation (SSP)  is checked by default.  Make sure that this is not checked.

For more information on NetWare 6.0, see the NetWare 6.0 Readme Addendum [no longer available]


Document Title: Add Pool Warning
Document ID: 10067360
Solution ID: NOVL68161
Creation Date: 08Jan2002
Modified Date: 15Jan2003
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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