Error: -606 while upgrading the Cluster Services Object

(Last modified: 17Jan2002)

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Novell NetWare 6.0

Novell NetWare Cluster Services 1.6


Error: -606 while upgrading the Cluster Services Object


During the cluster installation, a resource called DHCP Server is created.  If another user defined resource with the name DHCP_SERVER or DHCP SERVER already exists, the -606 error will occur.The Customer had a resource called DHCP_SERVER.  


To fix this issue, perform the following steps:

- Open the ConsoleOne Snapin directory
- Temporarily move the NCS folder to a different location.
- Launch ConsoleOne and rename the cluster resource
- Complete the post NetWare 6 cluster upgrade
- Delete the conflicting template and rename the cluster resource
- Replace the NCS folder into the Snapin directory


Document Title: Error: -606 while upgrading the Cluster Services Object
Document ID: 10067174
Solution ID: NOVL67114
Creation Date: 02Jan2002
Modified Date: 17Jan2002
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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