Abend: Double Fault Processor Exception during Clustered CIFS migration.

(Last modified: 16Oct2002)

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Novell NetWare 6.0

NFAP for Windows (CIFS)

Novell Clustering Services


Abend:  Double Fault Processor Exception during Clustered CIFS migration.

Server Abends


CRM.NLM executes CIFSSTRT.NCF during a Clustered CIFS migration.  This process uses a lot of stack space loading NFAP4NRM.NLM, which resulted in the Double Fault Processor Exception (stack overflow).


To work around this problem, make sure that NFAP4NRM.NLM is loaded on the server CIFS is being migrated to, before CIFSSTRT.NCF is executed.

For additional information on NetWare 6, please see the following solution.  TID #10064501 - NetWare 6 Readme Addendum


Document Title: Abend:  Double Fault Processor Exception during Clustered CIFS migration.
Document ID: 10066472
Solution ID: NOVL65010
Creation Date: 30Nov2001
Modified Date: 16Oct2002
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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