Matrix of Ports used in NW6

(Last modified: 14Jan2003)

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Matrix of Ports used in NW6


Novell NetWare 6


Below are applications on a NetWare 6 server and the default ports that they might have in use.  The notation of "no", "yes" and "dependant" represent the ability to adjust the port.  The notation of "un" represents unknown.

AFP                               "548 no"
Apache                         "80 yes,443 yes"
Border Manager           "21 no,119 no,443 yes,1040 no,1045 no, 1959 no,7070 no,8080 no,9090 no"
CIFS                             "139 unknown"
CsAudit                        "2000 yes"
DirXML NDS-to-NDS      "8090 yes"
DirXML Remote Loader "8000 yes"
DNS                              "53 no"
eGuide                          "389 dependant, 636 dependant"
FTP                               "20 no,21no"
GW Monitor                  "1099 yes"

GW MTA                        "3800 (http-6x) yes,7100 (MTP) yes,7180 (http-55EP) yes"
GW POA                       "1677 (CS) yes,2800 (http-6x) yes,7101 (MTP) yes,7181 (http-55EP) yes"
GW Web Access           "80 (http) dependant, 443 (https) dependant, 7205 (agent) yes"
GWIA                            "25 (smtp) no,110 (POP3) no,(IMAP4) 143 no,389 (LDAP) no, 636 (LDAP-SSL) no, 9850 (http monitor) yes"
iChain                            "2222 yes"
iFolder                           "80 (http) dependant,389 (ldap) dependant, 443 (https) dependant, 636 (LDAP-SSL) dependant"
iMonitor                         "80 (http) yes"
iPrint                             "443 no, 631 no"
LDAP                             "389 yes, 636 yes"
Licensing (NLSRUP)       "21571 un,21572 un"
LPR                                "515 un"
Media Server                 "554 no"
NAS NetDevice              "2222 no"
NCP                               "524 no"
NDPS Manager              "3396 no"
NDPS Broker                  "3014 no"
NDPS SRS                      "3018 no"
NDPS ENS                      "3016 no"
NDPS RMS                     "3019 no"
NDPS ENS Listener        "3017 no"
NetWare GUI                "9000 yes, 9001 yes"
NetWare Web Access   "80 dependant"

News Server                 "119 yes"
NFS                               "20 no,111 no,2049 yes"
NIMS                             "25,80,81,110,143,389,443,444,465,636,689,993,995 all un"
NMAS                            "1242 un"
Novonyx Web Server   "80 yes, 443 yes"
NRM                              "80 un, 81 un,8008 yes, 8009 yes"
NTP                               "123 no"
NWIP                            "396 no"
Portal Services             "80 dependant,443 dependant,8080 dependant"
Radius                          "1812 yes"
Remote Console DOS   "2034 yes"
Remote Console Java  "2034 yes,2036 yes, 2037  yes"
SCMD                           "2302 no"
SLP                              "427 no"
SNMP                           "161 un"
Telnet                          "23 no"
Tomcat                        "8080 yes"
VPN                             "213 no,353 no,2010 yes"
Web Manager             "2200 yes"
WebSphere                 "8110 un"
ZFD 3                          "2544 yes,2638 yes, 5008 un,8039 no"
ZFS 2                          "80,443,8008,8009 all dependant,1229 no, 1521 yes, 1600 un,2544 yes,2638 yes, 5008 un"
ZFS 3.2                       "80,443 dependant, 1229 yes,1433 yes,1521 yes,2638 yes,8089 yes, 65443 yes"



Document Title: Matrix of Ports used in NW6
Document ID: 10065719
Solution ID: NOVL62244
Creation Date: 30Oct2001
Modified Date: 14Jan2003
Novell Product Class:Connectivity Products
Novell BorderManager Services


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