Known Backup/Restore Issues for NetWare 6

(Last modified: 11May2004)

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Known Backup/Restore Issues for NetWare 6


Novell NetWare 6.0

NetWare 6 Storage Management Services (SMS)


NW 6 server restarts when Phase 4 of the Migration Wizard starts

NW 6 server restarts when clicking on Tools | Trustee Assignments

Abend error: "TSA600. . Page Fault Processor Exception"


At the release of NetWare 6 limitations were found in certain supported features of Novells' backup components. This TID describes backup or restore issues using Novell Storage Management System (SMS) components on NetWare 6 with 3rd party backup engines and with Novells' SBCON.  Also refer to the NW6SMS1A.EXE patch file for NetWare 6 on the Novell support web site.

Patch Installation Instructions
Download the NetWare 6 SMS patch file NW6SMS1A.EXE.

NetWare 6 SMS issues

1. Remote access fix connecting to a NetWare 6 TSA from a NetWare 4.x or 5.x backup engine or from a client backup engine.

If the backup application is running on a 4.x or 5.x server and you browse trying to select volumes on a NetWare 6 server you will get an ABEND.  It works fine browsing between NetWare 6 servers.  In Novells SBCON the ABEND occurs after the volume is selected and the user returns to the WHAT TO BACKUP screen.
Going the other direction, NetWare 6 looking at NetWare 4.x or 5.x, just hangs.
This has been fixed with a new SMDR.NLM from the patch.  The SMDR.NLM is also compatible with applications at the client side which backup a NetWare 6 server without any hang/abend.

2. Backup applications that are not Cluster enabled.  
Most third party backup applications are not fully cluster enabled yet.  Currently only SBCON is cluster aware and is the only backup engine that has completed their development and is using Novell·s cluster aware API·s.  NetWare 6 has a new TSA600.NLM that is designed to be cluster enabled.  As an interim measure to insure that the third party backup software will be able to archive cluster volumes correctly with the non-cluster methods, a software switch has been built into the TSA600.NLM that is included in the patch.  For non-cluster aware applications the TSA600.NLM needs to be loaded with the parameter /cluster=off.  The loading of SMS modules has been automated with NetWare 6.  The bulk of this operation has been moved to a Basic script called SMSRUN.BAS.  The file needs to be edited to include loading the TSA600 with the /cluster=off parameter.  

The steps to accomplish this are below:
1.  Change the sys:nsn/user/smsrun.bas from read only to read/write

2.  Edit the sys:nsn/user/smsrun.bas

3.  Find the following  line in the Sub Main() section and change from:  nlmArray = Array(·SMDR·, ·TSA600·, ·TSAPROXY·) to:  nlmArray = Array(·SMDR·, ·TSA600 /cluster=off·, ·TSAPROXY·)

4.  Save changes

5.  At the file server console type SMSSTOP

6.  At the file server console type SMSSTART
The command TSA600 /cluster=off  allows the cluster shared volumes to be seen by TSA600 until the application is cluster aware.
Note.  In the present configuration servers in a cluster are backed up individually.  If a volume  failover to another node does occur during a backup job then the backup job needs to be resubmitted.

Prior to NetWare 6 SP4, SMSSTART.NCF used information from the SMSRUN.BAS file to load the  SMS modules such as the TSAs and smdr.nlm. Starting with NetWare 6 SP 4 (nw6sp4.exe), the SMSRUN.BAS will no longer be used when loading SMS modules. Importantly, upgrades using nw6sp4.exe will NOT automatically transfer user modifications in SMSRUN.BAS to the SMSSTART.NCF. If SMSRUN.BAS was modified, it is advisable to backup this file prior to the upgrade and ensure that modifications are manually incorporated in the SMSSTART.NCF instead of smsrun.bas  after the upgrade. The new smsstart.ncf will load tsafs.nlm  instead of tsa600.nlm.

SMSSTART.NCF continues to use SMSRUN.BAS in NetWare 6.5 SP1. Starting with NetWare 6.5 SP2, SMSSTART.NCF is not likely to use SMSRUN.BAS and will behave similarly as described above for nw6sp4.exe."

3. Restoring DOS namespace subdirectories as LONG namespace.
The property of a NetWare directory (as seen by a Windows Client) shows DOS name space before a backup but shows as LONG name space after a restore of that directory. This has been fixed with the patch.

4. Abend in TSA600 during I/O of backup when volume is dismounted.
If a volume is dismounted while the tape drive is actively writing the data, the server may abend.  This has been fixed in the patch.

Backup of files on Copy on Write (COW) enabled volumes are not working.
After enabling Copy On Write for an NSS volume ( NSS /FileCopyOnWrite=<volume> ) and any application is used to hold the files open, a backup of the last closed state of the file should have happened.  Instead you may get an fffdffc6, cannot read a file or fffdfff5, dataset is in use. The application may report that it can not backup open files or that the file is open. This has been fixed in the patch.

Backup Exec issues

Backup Exec 9 upgrade required for NetWare 6.
Customers who wish to use Backup Exec for NetWare on
NetWare 6 must purchase an upgrade to Backup Exec for NetWare v9.0.  Previous versions of Backup Exec for
NetWare will not operate on NetWare 6.

For additional information on NetWare 6, please see the following solution.  TID #10064501 - NetWare 6 Readme Addendum


Document Title: Known Backup/Restore Issues for NetWare 6
Document ID: 10065605
Solution ID: NOVL61687
Creation Date: 24Oct2001
Modified Date: 11May2004
Novell Product Class:Groupware
Novell eDirectory


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