Repairing a damaged NetWare 6.x NSS Pool/Volume?

(Last modified: 26Apr2006)

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Repairing a damaged NetWare 6.x NSS Pool/Volume?


Novell NetWare 6.0

Novell NetWare 6.5

Network Storage Services (NSS)



Damaged NSS volumes


To rebuild an NSS pool, type the following at the server console prompt:

NSS /PoolRebuild=<Pool_Name> and press <Enter>

You will be asked to confirm the action, and warned that all volumes will be dismounted and that you should exit all applications before proceeding.  Press <Enter> on "Yes" when ready to proceed.  When the PoolRebuild completes, the pool will be left in the same state it was in when the rebuild was initiated (Active, Deactive, or Maintenance) , however, the volumes will not automatically be mounted. You must do that manually using the "mount" command.

For additional information on NetWare 6, please see the following solution.  TID #10064501 - NetWare 6 Readme Addendum


Unlike NetWare 5.X, on NetWare 6 you CANNOT rebuild an NSS volume. You must rebuild the NSS pool.  If the pool contains multiple volumes, none of them will be accessable during the rebuild.

Once a PoolRebuild has begun, the pool cannot be activated until it is completely rebuilt, so you shouldn't interrupt the rebuild process.


Document Title: Repairing a damaged NetWare 6.x NSS Pool/Volume?
Document ID: 10065514
Solution ID: NOVL61296
Creation Date: 19Oct2001
Modified Date: 26Apr2006
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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