NSS Error Codes

(Last modified: 17Feb2005)

This document (10065236) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


NSS Error Codes


Novell NetWare 6.0

NSS 3.0


For information on other error codes use the command "NSS /ErrorCode=xxxxx".

*        Common Layer Errors (Range 20000-24999)
/* general errors */
zERR_NO_MEMORY                                        20000 /* insufficient memory to complete the request */
zERR_BAD_CONNECTION_ID                                20001 /* bad connection id */
zERR_NOT_CONNECTED                                20002 /* station does not have a connection */
zERR_XID_NOT_SUPPORTED                                20003 /* reserved xid != NULL */
zERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                                20004 /* the given buffer is too small */
zERR_RETURN_PARA_NULL                                20005 /* if return parameter is null */
zERR_QUAD_TOO_BIG_FOR_LONG                        20006 /* the upper 32 bits of a 64 bit number are not zero */
zERR_CONNECTION_NOT_LOGGED_IN                        20007 /* the connection has not been logged in */
zERR_BAD_PARAMETER_VALUE                        20008 /* a passed in paramneter was invalid */
zERR_UNABLE_TO_INIT_ADMIN_VOL                        20009 /* could not start NSS_ADMIN volume */
zERR_INVALID_SEMANTIC_AGENT_ID                20010 /* a bad semantic agent ID was given */
zERR_INVALID_STATE                                20011 /* an invalid state was requested */
zERR_NOT_SUPPORTED                                20012 /* the operation is not supported */
zERR_MEDIA_CORRUPTED                                20013 /* The media is corrupted */

/* NDS errors */
zERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND                                20099 /* object not found in NDS */

/* General File System errors*/
zERR_END_OF_FILE                                        20100 /* read pas the end of file*/
zERR_HARD_READ_ERROR                                20101 /* read error from media*/
zERR_HARD_WRITE_ERROR                                20102 /* write error from media*/
zERR_OUT_OF_SPACE                                        20103 /* no available disk space is left*/
zERR_PURGED_SPACE_UNAVAILABLE                        20104 /* there is purgeable space, it is just not free yet*/
zERR_FILE_TOO_LARGE                                20105 /* the file is too large for the given POOL*/

/* General Storage System Errors */
zERR_VOLUME_ALREADY_INITIALIZED                20200 /* attem to initialize a volume that is already setup*/
zERR_QUEUE_READ_FAILURE                                20201 /* was unable to que a read request */
zERR_QUEUE_WRITE_FAILURE                        20202 /* was unable to que a WRITE request */
zERR_READ_FAILURE                                        20203 /* the low level async block read failed*/
zERR_WRITE_FAILURE                                20204 /* the low level async block WRITE failed*/

/* Beast Specific errors */
zERR_INVALID_BEAST_ID                                20300 /* and invalid beast ID was given*/
zERR_BEAST_CLASS_ALREADY_DEFINED                20301 /* the given beast class ID is already in use*/
zERR_BEAST_CLASS_NOT_DEFINED                        20302 /* the given beast class ID is not defined*/
zERR_BEAST_CLASS_ROUTINE_NOT_DEF                20303 /* a required beast class routine is missing*/
zERR_BEAST_CLASS_ROUTINE_MULT_DEF                20304 /* an beast class routine is multiply defined*/
zERR_COMN_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED                        20305 /* the given COMN operation (beast or volume) is not supported*/
zERR_INHERITANCE_DEPTH_EXCEEDED                20306 /* the maximum inheritance depth has been exceeded*/
zERR_BEAST_SIZE_CHANGED                                20307 /* a beast's size changed when it shouldn't have*/
zERR_BAD_LENGTH_UNPACKING_BEAST                20308 /* the system detected an inconsistent length while unpacking a beast*/
zERR_UNSUPPORTED_OBJECT_LAYOUT                20309 /* the object's layout on disk is in an unsupported format */
zERR_BEAST_CORRUPTED                                20310 /* Beast is corrupted. This is the only error ZLSS's rebuild will delete
                                                         * the beast. Note rebuilds should repair the beast if possible, but if
                                                         * rebuild can not then it can delete the beast.
zERR_FILE_IN_USE                                        20311 /* Beast has a use count > 0 */

/* Naming errors */
zERR_INVALID_HANDLE_PATH                        20400 /* path handle type is not valid */
zERR_BAD_FILE_HANDLE                                20401 /* the file handle is out of range, bad instance, or doesn't exist */
zERR_BAD_CONTEXT_HANDLE                                 20402 /* invalid context for context handle */
zERR_INVALID_NAME                                        20403 /* path name is invalid -- bad syntax */
zERR_INVALID_CHAR_IN_NAME                        20404 /* path name had an invalid character */
zERR_INVALID_PATH                                        20405 /* the path is syntactically incorrect */
zERR_RESERVED_NAME                                20406 /* name is reserved, can not be used in currently request */
zERR_NAME_NOT_FOUND_IN_DIRECTORY                20407 /* name does not exist in the directory being searched */
zERR_NOT_DIRECTORY_FILE                                20408 /* found name but it referred to something that was not a directory */
zERR_NO_NAMES_IN_PATH                                20409 /* a NULL file name was given*/
zERR_NO_MORE_NAMES_IN_PATH                         20410 /* doing a wild search but ran out of names to search */
zERR_PATH_MUST_BE_FULLY_QUALIFIED                20411 /* path name must be fully qualified in this context */
zERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS                        20412 /* the given file already exists*/
zERR_NAME_NO_LONGER_VALID                        20413 /* the dir/file name is no longer valid*/
zERR_BAD_SEARCHMAP_ID                                20414 /* searchMapID is invalid*/
zERR_INVALID_TYPE_FILE                                20415 /* the file type is wrong for the requested operation*/
zERR_INVALID_FILE_TYPE                                20416 /* an invalid file type was specified*/
zERR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY                        20417 /* the directory still has files in it*/
zERR_BAD_SEARCH_OPTIONS                                20418 /* an invalid search option was specified*/
zERR_INVALID_SEARCH_SEQ_NUM                        20419 /* an invalid search sequence number was given*/
zERR_INTERNAL_DIRECTORY_ERROR                        20420 /* an internal error has occurred accessing a directory*/
zERR_INVALID_MODIFY_PARAMETER                        20421 /* there is an invalid parameter to modify info*/
zERR_INVALID_USER_ID                                20422 /* the user ID is not valid*/
zERR_NOTHING_CHANGED                                20423 /* nothing changed on a modify call*/
zERR_NO_FILES_FOUND                                        20424 /* no files matched the given wildcard pattern*/
zERR_UNABLE_TO_RETURN_INFO                        20425 /* the build info routines could not complete*/
zERR_FILE_DID_NOT_MATCH_ATTR                        20426 /* the file did not match the matchFileAttrSet/Clear criteria*/
zERR_FILE_DID_NOT_MATCH_TYPE                        20427 /* the file did not match the matchFileType criteria*/
zERR_FILE_DID_NOT_MATCH_TYPEATTR                20428 /* the file did not match the matchTypeAttrSet/Clear criteria*/
zERR_LINK_IN_PATH                                        20429 /* A link object was found as a component in a path */
zERR_LINK_IN_DEST_PATH                                20430 /* A link object was found as a component in a destination path */
zERR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_BEAST                        20431 /* unable to open a beast*/
zERR_NSPACE_NAME_ALREADY_DEFINED                20432 /* a name for the given namespace is already defined*/
zERR_NAME_NOT_FOUND_IN_BEAST                        20433 /* the requested name was not found in the beast*/
zERR_PARENT_NOT_FOUND_IN_BEAST                20434 /* the requested parent was not found in the beast*/
zERR_DIR_CANNOT_BE_OPENED                        20435 /* the requested parent was not found in the beast*/
zERR_INVALID_CONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE                20436 /* the context handle type is invalid */
zERR_CONTAINER_NOT_FILE_BEAST                        20437 /* The container for a beast must be a File_s beast */
zERR_NO_OPEN_PRIVILEGE                                20438 /* No the right privileges to open the file */
zERR_NO_MORE_CONTEXT_HANDLE_IDS                20439 /* There are no more available context handle IDs */
zERR_PREV_DIR_AFTER_DATASTREAM                20440 /* PrevDir not allowed after data stream is processed */
zERR_INVALID_PATH_FORMAT                        20441 /* The pathFormat is either invalid or unsupported */
zERR_CANT_WILDOPEN_A_DATASTREAM                20442 /* It is illegal to do a zWildOpen call on a datastream */
zERR_NAMING_INCONSISTENCY                        20443 /* An internal naming inconsistency has occurred. The volume needs recovery */
zERR_ZID_NOT_FOUND                                        20444 /* Zid not found in the directory */
zERR_LAST_STATE_UNKNOWN                                20445 /* The last consistent state of this file was that it did not exist. */

/* name type errors */
zERR_INVALID_NAME_TYPE                                20499 /* an invalid name type was specified*/

/* rename errors*/
zERR_ALL_FILES_IN_USE                                20500 /* all files were in use*/
zERR_SOME_FILES_IN_USE                                20501 /* some of the files were in use*/
zERR_ALL_FILES_READ_ONLY                        20502 /* all files were READONLY*/
zERR_SOME_FILES_READ_ONLY                        20503 /* some of the files were READONLY*/
zERR_ALL_NAMES_EXIST                                20504 /* all of the names already existed*/
zERR_SOME_NAMES_EXIST                                20505 /* some of the names already existed*/
zERR_NO_RENAME_PRIVILEGE                        20506 /* you do not have privilege to rename the file*/
zERR_RENAME_DIR_INVALID                                20507 /* the selected directory may not be renamed */
zERR_RENAME_TO_OTHER_VOLUME                        20508 /* a rename/move may not move the beast to a different volume */
zERR_CANT_RENAME_DATA_STREAMS                        20509 /* not allowed to rename a data stream */
zERR_FILE_RENAME_IN_PROGRESS                        20510 /* the file is already being renamed by a different process */
zERR_CANT_RENAME_TO_DELETED                        20511 /* only deleted files may be renamed to a deleted state */

/* Data Stream errors */
zERR_INVALID_DATA_STREAM                        20550 /* the data stream is invalid */
zERR_CANT_MOD_DATA_STREAM_METADATA                20551 /* data stream's metadata may not be modified */

/* Semantic Agent handle errors */                        
zERR_INVALID_SA_HANDLE                                20601 /* invalid semantic agent handle */
zERR_SA_HANDLE_TOO_SMALL                        20602 /* An attempt was made to allocate an SA Handle that was too small */

/* DFS errors */
zERR_FILE_NOT_IN_DFS_MODE         20650 /* file was not switched to DFS mode */
zERR_HOLE_IN_DFS_FILE                  20651 /* DFS files cannot have holes*/
zERR_BEYOND_EOF                          20652 /* DFS files cannot be read beyond EOF*/
zERR_FILE_IN_DFS_MODE                 20653 /* DFS file is in DFS mode*/
zERR_FILE_DETACHED                 20654 /* DFS file is in DFS mode*/

/* name space errors */
zERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE_ID                        20700 /* an invalid NAMESPACEID was specified*/
zERR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_NAMESPACE                        20701 /* the code for the given namespace could not be located*/
zERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE_VERSION                20702 /* the name space version number is bad*/
zERR_NAMESPACE_ID_IN_USE                        20703 /* the given name space ID is already in use*/
zERR_INVALID_PATH_SEPARATOR                        20704 /* The name space does not support the requested path separator type */
zERR_VOLUME_SEPARATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED                20705 /* The name space does not support volume separators */

/* AsyncIO errors */
zERR_BAD_ASYNCIO_HANDLE                                20750 /* The AsyncIOHandle ID was invalid */
zERR_ASYNCIO_CANCELED                                20751 /* The Async IO was canceled */

/* volume errors */
zERR_BAD_VOLUME_NAME                         20800 /* the given volume name is syntactially incorrect */
zERR_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND                         20801 /* the given volume name could not be found */
zERR_DEACTIVATING_ADMINVOL                20802 /* can not deactivate the NSS_ADMIN volume */
zERR_VOLUME_STATE_CHANGE_ABORTED         20803 /* had to abort the volume state change */
zERR_DATA_MIGRATION_NOT_ENABLED         20804 /* NSS does not support data migration */
zERR_VOLUME_STATE_CHANGE_A_TO_M                20805 /* Set by LSS if an attempt to go to ACTIVE state was
                                                                                                 * not completed because the volume should be placed into
                                                                                                 * MAINTENANCE state. */
zERR_VOLUME_NOT_IN_MAINT_MODE                20806 /* the given volume is not in MAINTANENCE mode */
zERR_VOLUME_STATE_NOT_SUPPORTED                20807 /* The volume does not support the state
                                                                                                 * change requested.
zERR_DUPLICATE_VOLUME_NAME                20808 /* The volume name already exists */
zERR_VOLUME_SCHEDULED_FOR_MAINT                20809 /* The volume is already scheduled for MAINTANENCE */
zERR_VOLUME_SHOULD_NOT_ACTIVATE                20810 /* Volume should not be activated (LSS can return if corrupt or rebuilding) */

/** Errors for clustering **/
zERR_VOLUME_ACTIVE_ELSEWHERE                        20830 /* volume is active on another server in a cluster */

/** DSI and adding volume to NDS errors **/
zERR_DSI_LOAD_FAILED         20841
zERR_DSIREG_RET2         20842
zERR_DS_NOT_SETUP         20843
zERR_DSIREG_FAILED         20844
zERR_DSI_LOGIN_FAILED         20845
zERR_ADD_TO_NDS_FAILED         20846
zERR_DEL_TO_NDS_FAILED         20847
zERR_REN_TO_NDS_FAILED         20848
zERR_VOL_UNAVAILABLE         20849

/* Authorization errors */
zERR_NO_SET_PRIVILEGE                         20850 /* does not have rights to modify metadata */
zERR_NO_CREATE_PRIVILEGE                20851 /* does not have rights to create an object */
zERR_INVALID_AUTHORIZE_SPACE                20852 /* bad authorization space */
zERR_INVALID_AUTHORIZE_MODEL                20853 /* bad authorization model */
zERR_INVALID_AUTHORIZE_OPERATION        20854 /* bad operation passed to an op function */
zERR_AUTHORIZE_LOAD_FAILED                20855 /* failed to load part of the authorization system */
zERR_TRUSTEE_NOT_FOUND                        20856 /* unable to find the specified trustee id */
zERR_NO_TRUSTEES_FOUND                        20857 /* There were no trustees */
zERR_NO_TRUSTEE_CHANGE_PRIVILEGE        20858 /* no rights to change trustees */
zERR_ACCESS_DENIED                        20859 /* authorization/attributes denied access */
zERR_NO_WRITE_PRIVILEGE                        20860 /* no granted write privileges */
zERR_NO_READ_PRIVILEGE                        20861 /* no granted read privileges */
zERR_NO_DELETE_PRIVILEGE                20862 /* no delete privileges */
zERR_SOME_NO_DELETE_PRIVILEGE                20863 /* on wildcard some do not have delete privileges */
zERR_INVALID_AUTH_MODEL_VERSION                20864 /* version being registered is not correct */
zERR_EXCEEDED_MAX_AUTH_SPACES                20865 /* exceeded the maximum number of authorization spaces */
zERR_EXCEEDED_MAX_AUTH_MODELS                20866 /* exceeded the maximum number of authorization models */
zERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT                        20867 /* no such object in the naming services */
zERR_CANT_DELETE_OPEN_FILE                20868 /* cant delete an open file without rights */
zERR_NO_CREATE_DELETE_PRIVILEGE                20869 /* no delete on create privileges */
zERR_NO_SALVAGE_PRIVILEGE                20870 /* no privileges to salvage this file */

/* Locking-related Errors */
zERR_IOLOCK_ERROR                 20900 /* tried to do read/write a locked range of a file */
zERR_LOCK_ERROR                          20901 /* general lock error NOT USED */
zERR_LOCK_COLLISION                 20902 /* tried to lock a range that was already locked */
zERR_LOCK_WAITING                 20903 /* timed out waiting for a lock */
zERR_NONEXISTENT_LOCK         20904 /* tried to release a lock that doesn't exist */
zERR_FILE_READ_LOCKED                        20905 /* cant grant read access to the file */
zERR_FILE_WRITE_LOCKED                        20906 /* cant grant write access to the file */
zERR_CANT_DENY_READ_LOCK                20907 /* cant grant deny read access to the file */
zERR_CANT_DENY_WRITE_LOCK                20908 /* cant grant deny write access to the file */

/* Unicode errors */
zERR_UNICODE_INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE         20950 /* invalid unicode_t conversion type */
zERR_UNICODE_CONVERSION_ERROR                20951 /* unicode_t conversion error */
zERR_UNICODE_INIT                        20952 /* error initializing unicode_t sub-system*/
zERR_UNICODE_NON_MAPPABLE_CHAR                20953 /* non mappable char encountered converting unicode_t */
zERR_EXCEEDED_MAX_CONVERSION_TYPES        20954 /* exceeded the maximum number of loadable conversion types */

/* Link errors */
zERR_INVALID_LINK_TYPE                        21000 /* The specified link type is not supported */
zERR_CANT_HARD_LINK_DATA_STREAMS         21001 /* not allowed to create hard links to or from a dataStream */
zERR_CANT_HARD_LINK_TO_DIRECTORY         21002 /* not allowed to create hard links to a directory/container */
zERR_MUST_HARD_LINK_FROM_DIRECTORY         21003 /* not allowed to create hard links from a non-directory/container */
zERR_CANT_HARD_LINK_TO_NON_FILE                21004 /* not allowed to create hard links to beasts not derived from file */
zERR_LINK_DEST_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS        21005 /* the new name for the link already exists */

/* NLM Registration errors */
zERR_MODULE_NAME_ALREADY_USED                21050 /* the given NSS MODULE name is already in use */
zERR_MODULE_NAME_NOT_FOUND                21051 /* the given NSS module name could not be found */
zERR_INVALID_MODULE_VERSION                21052 /* the given MODULE has an invalid version number*/
zERR_INCOMPATIBLE_API_VERSION                21053 /* the given MODULE has an incompatible API version number */
zERR_INCOMPATIBLE_DEBUG_STATE                21054 /* the given MODULE has an incompatible DEBUG version state */
zERR_UNKNOWN_MODULE_TYPE                21055 /* the given MODULE has an unknown module type */
zERR_INVALID_REGISTRATION_TYPE                21056 /* the given type is invalid for the item being registered */
zERR_TYPE_ALREADY_REGISTERED                21057 /* the given type is already registered */

/* MASV errors */
zERR_MASV_LABEL_ALREADY_SET                21100 /* The label is already set */

/* User space restriction errors */
zERR_ADDED_USER_TWICE                        21300 /* Tried to add the same user twice */
zERR_NO_SUCH_USER                        21301 /* The requested user was not found in the tree */
zERR_USER_SPACE_NOT_ENABLED                21302 /* User Space restrictions are not enabled */
zERR_NOT_ENOUGH_USER_SPACE                21303 /* Tried to allocate more than the restriction would allow */
zERR_NEED_TO_REMOVE_USER                21304 /* Indicates the user entry should be removed */

/* Directory quota errors */
zERR_ADDED_DIR_TWICE                        21500 /* Tried to add the same directory twice */
zERR_NO_SUCH_DIR                        21501 /* The requested directory was not found in the tree */
zERR_DIR_QUOTAS_NOT_ENABLED                21502 /* Directory quotas are not enabled */
zERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DIR_SPACE                21503 /* Tried to allocate more than the quota would allow */
zERR_DIR_QUOTA_LATCH_ERROR                21504 /* Could not get a latch on a cache entry */
zERR_DIR_QUOTA_CACHE_ERROR                21505 /* Error during cache add/lookup */

*        NW Symantic Agent Specific Errors (Range 22000-22099)
/* legacy errors (above the common layer) */
zERR_INVALID_OPENCREATE_MODE                22000 /* invalid mode passed in NCP 87 (create/open) */

*        CD Specific Errors (Range 22500-22599)

zERR_ISO_NO_VOLUME_TERMINATOR                22500
zERR_ISO_NOT_AN_ISO_CD                        22501
zERR_ISO_NO_VALID_VOLUME_FOUND                22503
zERR_ISO_CANT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY                22506
zERR_ISO_NO_ROOT_DIRECTORY                22507
zERR_ISO_ASSOCIATED_FILE                22508
zERR_ISO_INVALID_DIRECTORY_PTR                22509
zERR_ISO_FILE_NOT_FOUND                        22510
zERR_ISO_ROOTDIR_IS_NOT_LOADED                22511
zERR_ISO_CANT_CREATE_BEAST                22512
zERR_ISO_ZID_NOT_FOUND_IN_HASH                22513

*        LSS Assignable Error Area (Range 23000-23999)
* This range is used to assign external NSS groups error ranges
* for their LSSes. The define names of error codes that they
* use should be zERR_xxxx_yyyy where xxxx is the last part of the LSSes
* ID define name. yyyy is whatever the LSS wishes it to be.
* For example, the LSS whose ID is zLSS_ID_SMSTAPE would have errors
* code names of zERR_SMSTAPE_yyyy.
* To obtain a range of error codes send an E-Mail to NSS@novell.com.
* Please specify the number of error codes you require. Generally,
* error codes are given out 25 at a time.

*        SMS Tape LSS (zLSS_ID_SMSTAPE) reserved error codes (Range 23000-23024)
* Reserved by Greg Pachner on Nov 18, 1998 for Sudhir Subbarao
* <sksubbarao@novell.com> of the SMS Team of Novell.
zERR_SMSTAPE_FIRST                        23000
zERR_SMSTAPE_LAST                        23024

*        ZFS Storage System Specific Errors (Range 24800-24899)
/* B-tree Errors */
zERR_NO_NODE                                24800 /* No node at the requested block location. */
zERR_BAD_LOG_RECORD                        24801 /* bad log record found */
zERR_BEAST_TOO_BIG                        24802 /* the beast is too big to fit in the b-tree */
zERR_TREE_LEAF_CORRUPT                         24803 /* Returned when the free size stored in a B-Tree
                                                                         * does not agree with the size of all the
                                                                         * free chunks in the leaf.

/* ZLOG Errors */
zERR_ZLOG_BAD_CHECKSUM                        24820 /* ZLOG log record checksum error */
zERR_ZLOG_FILE_TOO_SMALL                24821 /* ZLOG file is too small */
zERR_ZLOG_BAD_BLOCK_SIGNATURE                24822 /* ZLOG file's log block signature is invalid */
zERR_ZLOG_BAD_RECORD_COUNT                24823 /* ZLOG file's log block log record count is invalid */
zERR_ZLOG_BAD_RECORD_SIZE                24824 /* ZLOG file's record size is invalid */
zERR_ZLOG_BAD_LSN                        24825 /* ZLOG file's log record LSN is invalid */
zERR_ZLOG_FILE_INIT_FAILED                24826 /* ZLOG could not create ZLOG file during POOL initialize */
zERR_ZLOG_BAD_BEAST_SIGNATURE                24827 /* ZLOG beast's signature is invalid */
zERR_ZLOG_UNSUPPORTED_BEAST_VERSION        24828 /* ZLOG code does not support ZLOG Beast version in persistent storage */
zERR_ZLOG_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_VERSION        24829 /* ZLOG code does not support ZLOG File version
                                                * in persistent storage. If user does a clean
                                                * shutdown with previos nss.nlm then this error
                                                * will go away. Otherwise, a /reset is required.
zERR_ZLOG_FILE_FULL                        24830 /* ZLOG file is full - file too small for transaction rate */
zERR_ZLOG_NO_MORE_RECORDS                24831 /* No more ZLOG recovery information (Not a USER error) */

/* ZFSVOL volume data Errors */
zERR_ZFSVOL_BAD_CHECKSUM                 24840 /* ZFS volume data checksum error */

/* Checkpoint Errors */
zERR_CHECKPOINT_BAD_CHECKSUM                         24850 /* Checkpoint checksum error */
zERR_CHECKPOINT_BAD_BLOCK_SIGNATURE                24851 /* Checkpoint block signature is invalid */
zERR_CHECKPOINT_BAD_BLOCK_SIZE                         24852 /* Checkpoint block size is invalid */
zERR_CHECKPOINT_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION                24853 /* Checkpoint code does not support version in checkpoint */

/* Superblock Errors */
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_BAD_CHECKSUM                         24860 /* Superblock checksum error */
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_BAD_BLOCK_SIGNATURE                24861 /* Superblock block signature is invalid */
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_BAD_BLOCK_SIZE                        24862 /* Superblock block size is invalid */
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION                24863 /* Superblock code does not support version in superblock header */
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA                 24864 /* Media version not supportted */        
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_MISMATCH                         24865 /* Two or more valid superblock headers do not match each other */        
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_UNDESIRED_LOCATION                24866 /* A super block is not in desired mathamatical location */
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_NOT_ENOUGH                        24867 /* Not enough valid super block headers */
zERR_SUPERBLOCK_CORRUPTED                        24868 /* Valid super block header has bad information in it */

/* Recovery Errors */
zERR_RECOVERY_TOO_MANY_UNCOMMITS                24880 /* Recovery could not uncommit all transactions (that it needed
                                                 * to) before it hit the last checkpoint.

*        Generic Error for FSHooks
zERR_GENERIC_NSS_ERROR                                24999.


Document Title: NSS Error Codes
Document ID: 10065236
Solution ID: NOVL60258
Creation Date: 09Oct2001
Modified Date: 17Feb2005
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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