Explanation of obituary log files from DSREPAIR

(Last modified: 09Oct2002)

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Explanation of obituary log files from DSREPAIR


Novell Directory Services

Formerly TID #2928601


Unable to perform partition operations.


For various reasons (usually server-to-server communications throughout the Directory Services tree), obituaries are not completing normal processing.


Features included in DSREPAIR.NLM allow for more thorough understanding and troubleshooting of obituaries. Taking the option within DSREPAIR.NLM | Advanced Options | Check external references, will give information regarding obituaries as they exist on the server on which DSREPAIR.NLM is run.

Beginning with DSREPAIR.NLM version 4.47f the OLD_RDN and MOVE_INHIBIT obituaries will not show by default. In order to see these obituaries, DSREPAIR.NLM must be loaded with a -A switch. (ie, LOAD DSREPAIR -A). Proceed by taking the same options as indicated above...

The following is an example of SYS:\SYSTEM\DSREPAIR.LOG file, followed by a brief explanation of the information that is provided..

NetWare 4.1 Directory Services Repair 4.47f, DS 5.81
Log file for server "DS-Master.Novell" in tree "NOVELL_TREE"
External Reference Check

Start: Thursday, August 7, 1997 2:14:25 pm Local Time

Found obituary at VID: 00054980, EID: 11000FE8, DN: CN=User3.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0001 DEAD, Flags = 0000
Found obituary at VID: 00005C40, EID: 11000FE8, DN: CN=User3.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0006 BACKLINK, Flags = 0000
Backlink: Type = 00000001 DEAD, RemoteID = FFFFFFFF, ServerID = 010000BD, CN=FS1.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
Found obituary at VID: 0000F800, EID: 11000FE8, DN: CN=User3.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0006 BACKLINK, Flags = 0000
Backlink: Type = 00000001 DEAD, RemoteID = FFFFFFFF, ServerID = 030010C3, CN=FS2.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
Found obituary at VID: 00070C00, EID: 11000FE8, DN: CN=User3.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0006 BACKLINK, Flags = 0000
Backlink: Type = 00000001 DEAD, RemoteID = FFFFFFFF, ServerID = 03001101, CN=FS3.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE

Found obituary at VID: 0000EAC0, EID: 18000FEC, DN: CN=User4.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0002 MOVED, Flags = 0000
MoveObit: destID = 48000FEE, CN=User4.OU=Move_objects.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
Found obituary at VID: 00055E40, EID: 18000FEC, DN: CN=User4.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0006 BACKLINK, Flags = 0000
Backlink: Type = 00000002 MOVED, RemoteID = FFFFFFFF, ServerID = 010000BD, CN=FS1.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
Found obituary at VID: 00070980, EID: 18000FEC, DN: CN=User4.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0006 BACKLINK, Flags = 0000
Backlink: Type = 00000002 MOVED, RemoteID = FFFFFFFF, ServerID = 030010C3, CN=FS2.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
Found obituary at VID: 00039840, EID: 18000FEC, DN: CN=User4.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0006 BACKLINK, Flags = 0000
Backlink: Type = 00000002 MOVED, RemoteID = FFFFFFFF, ServerID = 03001101, CN=FS3.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE

*** END ***

Given the following information from DSRepair, it is translated as follows:

Found obituary at VID: 00054980, EID: 11000FE8, DN: CN=User3.OU=Obit_Test.O=Novell.NOVELL_TREE
TV: 1997/08/07 10:28:06 0004, Type = 0001 DEAD, Flags = 0000

VID = Value ID. This is a record number in the Value.NDS file that has been used as an Obituary Attribute for the Object identified by the EID.

EID = Entry ID. This is a record number in the Entry.NDS file that specifies the object that has the Obituary Attribute assigned by the VID.

DN = Distinquished Name. This is the full distinquished name of the object identified by the EID.

TV = Time Vector. This is the timestamp that denotes when the Obituary Attribute was created.

Type = Indicates both a number and a text description. There are 3 catagories of types, Primary, Secondary and Tracking. A Primary obituary indicates an action on an object. A Secondary obituary indicates the servers that must be contacted and informed of the Primary obituary action. A Tracking obituary is associated with certain Primary obituaries. The following is a list of the valid obituary types:

Primary obituaries
0000 Restored
0001 Dead
0002 Moved
0005 NEW_RDN - New Relative Distinquished Name
0008 Tree_NEW_RDN - Tree New Relative Distinquished Name. This does not specify a NDS Tree name but rather a Partition Root name.
0009 Purge All

Secondary Obituaries.
0006 Backlink - Specifies a target server that needs to be contacted regarding an obituary
0010 Move Tree - This obituary is similar to the Backlink obit. There is one Move Tree obit for every server that needs to be contacted regarding a Tree_NEW_RDN operation..

Tracking Obituaries.
0003 Inhibit Move
0004 OLD_RDN - Old Relative Distinquished Name
0007 Tree_OLD_RDN - Tree Old Relative Distinquished Name. This does not specify a NDS Tree name but rather a Partition Root name.

Flags = Indicates the level or stage that the obituary is processed to. The following is a list of valid Flags:

0000 ISSUED - Indicates the obituary has been issued, that is created and ready for processing.
0001 NOTIFIED - Indicates that the obituary is at the notify stage which essentially means that the servers identified in the Backlink or Tree Move obituaries have been contacted and notified of the operation or action on an object.
0002 OK-TO-PURGE - Indicates that the obituary is being cleaned up on the local database of each server identified in the Backlink or Tree Move obituaries. This clean up includes resolving all objects that reference the object with the obituary and informing them of the change. (Deletion, move, etc).
0004 PURGABLE - Indicates that the obituary is ready to be purged. The purge process essentially recovers the value to the free chain and enables it to be reused..


Document Title: Explanation of obituary log files from DSREPAIR
Document ID: 10025428
Solution ID: 1.0.51248635.2509277
Creation Date: 24Jan2000
Modified Date: 09Oct2002
Novell Product Class:Management Products
Novell eDirectory


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