How to configure AutoAdminLogon for Novell's Windows NT Client.

(Last modified: 03Jan2004)

This document (10013350) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document.


How to configure AutoAdminLogon for Novell's Windows NT Client.

How to have a hands-off login for both NT and NetWare.

How to have a hands-off login for NT only.

How to have a hands-off login for NetWAre only.




This can be accomplished through changes in the registry. Make certain that the user that will be auto-logging in to the NT workstation/server has rights to edit the registry or that remote registry editing has been enabled.  Otherwise no user will be able to edit the registry since once autologin is enabled it can only be disabled in the registry. The AutoAdminLogon is implemented differently between different versions of the NT Client.

Novell Client for Windows NT version 4.60 with the Client Service Pack 1:

The Client Service Pack 1 implemented several changes in the LOGINW32.DLL which allows greater flexibility in how the AutoAdminLogon works. One major change is that the Client will now read the standard Microsoft registry keys for enabling the AutoAdminLogon for the NT User. The following AutoAdminLogon combinations are possible:  (IF THE KEY DOES NOT EXIST, YOU'LL

I. Steps to Disable AutoAdminLogon for NT and NetWare:

 1.  Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory,
 2.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) value exists:

 Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "0" disables the NT AutoAdminLogon for the NT credentials.

NOTE: If this registry value does not exist, it will be treated as if it did exist and was set to a value of "0".

 3.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) value exists:

Registry Key:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Login

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "0" disables AutoAdminLogon for the NetWare credentials.

NOTE: If this registry value does not exist, it will be treated as if it did exist and was set to a value of "0".

II. Steps to Enable AutoAdminLogon for NT only:

1.  Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory, 
2.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) value exists:

 Registry Key:     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" Enables the NT AutoAdminLogon

    Value:             DefaultDomainName
    Value data:        The NT NetBios of the local machine or the domain name. This controls where the AutoAdminLogon attempts to look up the DefaultUserName (local machine or domain).

    Value:             DefaultUserName
    Value data:        The NT Default User Name. This name must exist in the DefaultDomainName SAM database and have the

    Value:             DefaultPassword
    Value data:        the NT user password that matches the DefaultUserName registry value.

3.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) value exists:

Registry Key:

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "0" disables AutoAdminLogon for the NetWare credentials.

NOTE: If this registry value does not exist, it will be treated as if it did exist and was set to a value of "0".

III. Steps to Enable AutoAdminLogon for NetWare only:

1. Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory,
2.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) value exists:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "0" disables the NT AutoAdminLogon for the NT credentials.

NOTE: If this registry value does not exist, it will be treated as if it did exist and was set to a value of "0".

 3.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) value exists:


    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" enables AutoLogon for the NetWare credentials.

    Value:             DefaultLocationProfile
    Value data:        Name of Location Profile to get UserName, Context, Server, and Tree parameters from to use with the
AutoAdminLogon for the NetWare credentials. If you browse within REGEDT32 to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location
Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23} you will see the text names of the available Location Profiles. The most commonly used Location Profile is "Default".

    Value:             DefaultPassword
    Value data:        Password of user credentials contained in the DefaultLocationProfile.

4.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) values refer to the correct NetWare user credentials.

 Registry Key:
    KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\[Location_Profile_Name]

    Value:             UserName
    Value data:        Enter the NDS/Bindery username to use for AutoAdminLogon (i.e. JohnDoe).

 Registry Key:
    KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\[Location_Profile_Name]\Tab1

    Value:             Context
    Value data:        If the UserName is an NDS user, enter the NDS Context that the UserName exists (i.e. IS.Company).

    Value:             Server
    Value data:        Enter the Server that the initial connection should be made to (has the same effect as the old Preferred Server setting).

    Value:             Tree
    Value data:        If the UserName is an NDS user, enter the Tree name that the user object exists in (i.e. Company_Tree).

IV. Steps to Enable AutoAdminLogon for NT and NetWare:

1.  Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory, 

 2.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) value exists:

 Registry Key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" enables the NT AutoAdminLogon

    Value:             DefaultDomainName
    Value data:        The NT NetBios of the local machine or the domain name. This controls where the AutoAdminLogon attempts to look up the DefaultUserName (local machine or domain).

    Value:             DefaultUserName
    Value data:        The NT Default User Name. This name must exist in the DefaultDomainName SAM database and have the DefaultPassword.

    Value:             DefaultPassword
    Value data:        the NT user password that matches the DefaultUserName registry value.

For AutoAdminLogon for Windows and AutoAdminLogon for NetWare

3.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) value exists:


    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" enables AutoLogon for the NetWare credentials.

    Value:             DefaultLocationProfile
    Value data:        Name of Location Profile to get UserName, Context, Server, and Tree parameters from to use with the
AutoAdminLogon for the NetWare credentials. If you browse within REGEDT32 to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location
Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23} you will see the text names of the available Location Profiles. The most commonly used Location Profile is "Default".

    Value:             DefaultPassword
    Value data:        Password of user credentials contained in the DefaultLocationProfile.

4.  Ensure that the following registry String (REG_SZ) values refer to the correct NetWare user credentials.

 Registry Key:
    KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\[Location_Profile_Name]

    Value:             UserName
    Value data:        Enter the NDS/Bindery username to use for AutoAdminLogon (i.e. JohnDoe).

 Registry Key:

    Value:             Context
    Value data:        If the UserName is an NDS user, enter the NDS Context that the UserName exists (i.e. IS.Company).

    Value:             Server
    Value data:        Enter the Server that the initial connection should be made to (has the same effect as the old Preferred
Server setting).

    Value:             Tree
    Value data:        If the UserName is an NDS user, enter the Tree name that the user object exists in (i.e. Company_Tree).

Novell Client for Windows NT version 4.3, 4.5,  4.51, and 4.6 (without CSP1):

For the Novell Client for Windows NT versions 4.3, 4.5, and 4.51, it is currently impossible to enable AutoAdminLogon for the Windows NT user credentials only (as opposed to having AutoAdminLogon being enabled for both the NT and NDS user credentials) and have the user be prompted for the NDS username and password. The following AutoAdminLogon combinations are possible:

I. Steps to Disable AutoAdminLogon for NT and NetWare:

1. Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory,

2. Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) value to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon entry:

Value:             AutoAdminLogon 

Value data:        "0" disables the NT AutoAdminLogon

 3.  Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) value to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\NWGINA\Login Screen entry:

    Value:             NetWareAutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" enables AutoLogon; "0" disables it

II. Steps to Enable AutoAdminLogon for NT only:

It is impossible to enable AutoAdminLogon only for NT and still have a NetWare Active Authenticator. The workaround is to disable both the NDS and Bindery Active Authenticator for the Default Location Profile and then enable the necessary registry keys for the NT AutoAdminLogon..

Steps to enabling the NT AutoAdminLogon:

1. Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory,

2. Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) values to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon entry:

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" enables AutoAdminLogon; "0" disables it

    Value:             DefaultPassword
    Value data:        the NT user password that matches the DefaultUserName value for the Novell Location Profile Tab3 registry key.

3. Verify the following registry String (REG_SZ) value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\LocationProfiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\Tab3 entry:

    Value:             DefaultDomainName
    Value data:        The NT NetBios of the local machine or the domain name. This controls where the AutoAdminLogon attempts to look up the DefaultUserName (local machine or domain).  When Novell's GINA is in control of the bootup login, this value will take precedence over the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon registry key DefaultDomainName.

    Value:             DefaultUserName
    Value data:        The NT Default User Name. This name must exist in the DefaultDomainName SAM database and have the DefaultPassword. When Novell's GINA is in control of the bootup login, this value will take precedence over the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon registry key DefaultUserName.

NOTE:  The DefaultDomainName and DefaultUserName value in the WinLogon is set to whatever value is contained here. The NTAutoAdminLogin reads the WinLogon setting, but this is cascaded from the values contained in the Default Location Profile, so these are the ones that need to be set. However, the DefaultPassword is not cascaded from any Novell controlled registry value, so this will need to be set in the WinLogon key  (as instructed in Step 2).

4. Make sure the DefaultUserName and their DefaultPassword are valid.

Steps to disable the Active Authenticators for the Default Location Profile:

 1. Go into Start\Settings\Control Panel\Network.

 2. Click on the Services tab, highlight the "Novell Client for Windows NT" entry and click on the Properties button.

 3. Click on the Location Profiles tab, highlight "Default" in the Location Profiles window and click on the Properties button.

 4. Verify that the "Login Service" is selected in the Service field and that "Default" is selected in the Service Instance and then click on the Properties button.

 5. Click on the NDS tab and make sure the "Active Authenticator" is unchecked.

 6. Click on the Bindery tab and make sure the "Active Authenticator" is unchecked.

When you disable both the NDS and Bindery as authenticators, it removes 2 registry keys and all of their values. The best way to show this is an illustration of before and after:

 1.When  "Active Authenticator" is checked on the NDS tab of the Default Login Service:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default


   Clear Connections : REG_DWORD : 0
   Context : REG_SZ :
   Server : REG_SZ : [Server_Name]
   Tab : REG_SZ : NDS
   Tree : REG_SZ : [Tree_Name]
   Close Results : REG_DWORD : 0x1
   Display Results : REG_DWORD : 0x1
   Login Script : REG_DWORD : 0x1
   Profile Script : REG_SZ :
   Script File : REG_SZ :
   Tab : REG_SZ : Script
   Variable2 : REG_SZ :
   Variable3 : REG_SZ :
   Variable4 : REG_SZ :
   Variable5 : REG_SZ :
   DefaultDomainName : REG_SZ : [Domain_Name]
   DefaultUserName : REG_SZ : [User_Name]
   Tab : REG_SZ : NT Credentials
   Dialup Entry : REG_SZ :
   Dialup From : REG_SZ :
   Enable RAS : REG_DWORD : 0
   Tab : REG_SZ : Dialup

 2. When neither the NDS or Bindery tab have  "Active Authenticator" checked for the Default Login Service:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Location Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default

   DefaultDomainName : REG_SZ : [Domain_Name]
   DefaultUserName : REG_SZ : [User_Name]
   Tab : REG_SZ : NT Credentials
   Dialup Entry : REG_SZ :
   Dialup From : REG_SZ :
   Enable RAS : REG_DWORD : 0
   Tab : REG_SZ : Dialup

It actually deletes the NDS and Script tab information from the registry. The Novell NT Client is not dependent on the NT Credentials tab always being in the Tab3 registry key because each tab has a value called "Tab" that defines it's purpose.

Novell Client Engineering is still investigating the possibility of allowing the NT User credentials to be configured for
AutoAdminLogon and still have the user prompted for NDS credentials during bootup (the same way it was in the 4.11a NT Client).

See Novell TID 2940428 for full additional details.

III. Steps to Enable AutoAdminLogon for NetWare only:

 1. Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory,

 2.  Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) values to the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\NWGINA\Login Screen entry:

    Value:             NetWareAutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" enables AutoLogon; "0" disables it

    Value:             DefaultNetWarePassword
    Value data:        Password of user account found in DefaultNetWareUserName.

    Value:             DefaultNDSContext
    Value data:        The NDS context of the DefaultNetWareUserName (i.e. OU.Company).

    Value:             DefaultNDSServer
    Value data:        The name of an NDS server in the tree the DefaultNetWareUserName exists in. Must provide either a
DefaultNDSServer and/or a DefaultNDSTree for the NetWareAutoAdminLogon to work.

    Value:             DefaultNDSTree
    Value data:        The name of the NDS tree the DefaultNetWareUserName exists in. Must provide either a
DefaultNDSServer and/or a DefaultNDSTree for the NetWareAutoAdminLogon to work.

 3.  Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) values to the

    Value:             UserName
    Value data:        Name of user to automatically log on. During bootup the value in DefaultNetWareUserName in the NWGINA\Login Screen is set to whatever value is contained here. The NDSAutoAdminLogin reads the NWGINA setting, but this is cascaded from this value, so this is the one that needs to be set.

Test to see if the AutoAdminLogin is working now.

Additional Note: If the AutoAdminLogin is still not working at this point make one additional change to the Registry:

 1. Under
{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\Tab1 set the Context here to the proper NDS context. This is in addition to setting the same value earlier under NWGINA.

IV. Steps to Enable AutoAdminLogon for NT and NetWare:

 1. Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory,

 2. Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) values to the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon entry:

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" enables AutoAdminLogon; "0" disables it

    Value:             DefaultPassword
    Value data:        the NT user password that matches the DefaultUserName value for the Novell Location Profile Tab3 registry key.

 3. Verify the following registry String (REG_SZ) value of the
Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\ Tab3 entry:

    Value:             DefaultDomainName
    Value data:        The NT NetBios of the local machine or the domain name. This controls where the AutoAdminLogon attempts to look up the DefaultUserName (local machine or domain).  When Novell's GINA is in control of the bootup login, this value will take precedence over the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon registry key DefaultDomainName.

    Value:             DefaultUserName
    Value data:        The NT Default User Name. This name must exist in the DefaultDomainName SAM database and have the DefaultPassword. When Novell's GINA is in control of the bootup login, this value will take precedence over the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon registry key DefaultUserName.

NOTE:  The DefaultDomainName and DefaultUserName value in the WinLogon is set to whatever value is contained here. The NTAutoAdminLogin reads the WinLogon setting, but this is cascaded from the values contained in the Default Location Profile, so these are the ones that need to be set. However, the DefaultPassword is not cascaded from any Novell controlled registry value, so this will need to be set in the WinLogon key  (as instructed in Step 2).

 4. Make sure the DefaultUserName and their DefaultPassword are valid.

Steps to enable the AutoAdminLogon for the NDS User:

Workaround 2:


Novell Client for Windows NT version 4.11a, 4.11, 4.10, 4.0:

1. Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory, select  the following subkey:
2. Create a new value in this subkey named AutoAdminLogon with a type of REG_SZ and a value of 1.
3. Create a new value in this subkey named DefaultPassword with a type of REG_SZ and a value the user's password.
4. Make sure the DefaultUserName and their DefaultPassword are valid.
5.  Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) values to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\NWGINA\Login Screen entry:

Value:          NetWareAutoAdminLogon
Value data:     "1" enables AutoLogon; "0" disables it

Value:          DefaultNetWarePassword
Value data:     <Password of user account found in DefaultNetWareUserName>

Value:          DefaultNetWareUserName
Value data:     <Name of user to automatically log on>

If AutoAdminLogon is enabled, be careful when running the intraNetWare Login utility from the icon in the intraNetWare (Common) group.  When run as a standalone from the icon, the intraNetWare Login utility does not recognize that the workstation is running AutoAdminLogon.  If your primary connection's password expires when running intraNetWare Login from the icon, you will be given the chance to synchronize all intraNetWare and NT passwords.  Make sure you do not synchronize the NT password, because intraNetWare Login does not update the Registry setting for AutoAdminLogon.

Note: A password is needed for this process to work. - Quoted from Microsoft TechNet Module 1: Installing and Configuring MS BackOffice Server 4.5  "7. In the Autologon Password dialog box, enter your Administrator password (if any), and check that the "I will log on manually after reboots" option is cleared ' this will allow BackOffice Setup to automatically log itself back on to continue installation after mandatory reboots (this option automatically disables itself upon completion)."

Note 2: If the registry entry "DontDisplayLastUserName" in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\WINLOGON is
set to 1(active), the error "LOGIN-4.12-895: The user does not exist in the specified context." will be displayed. When this entry is set to 0 (deactivate), the Autoadminlogon for both NT and NETWARE works fine.  This information can be referenced on Microsoft's Support web site under Q article 159969.



If the AutoAdminLogin is still not working at this point make one additional change to the Registry:

 1. Under
{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\Tab1 set the Context here to the proper NDS context. This is in addition to setting the same value earlier under NWGINA.

IV. Steps to Enable AutoAdminLogon for NT and NetWare:

 1. Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory,

 2. Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) values to the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon entry:

    Value:             AutoAdminLogon
    Value data:        "1" enables AutoAdminLogon; "0" disables it

    Value:             DefaultPassword
    Value data:        the NT user password that matches the DefaultUserName value for the Novell Location Profile Tab3 registry key.

 3. Verify the following registry String (REG_SZ) value of the
Profiles\Services\{1E6CEEA1-FB73-11CF-BD76-00001B27DA23}\Default\ Tab3 entry:

    Value:             DefaultDomainName
    Value data:        The NT NetBios of the local machine or the domain name. This controls where the AutoAdminLogon attempts to look up the DefaultUserName (local machine or domain).  When Novell's GINA is in control of the bootup login, this value will take precedence over the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon registry key DefaultDomainName.

    Value:             DefaultUserName
    Value data:        The NT Default User Name. This name must exist in the DefaultDomainName SAM database and have the DefaultPassword. When Novell's GINA is in control of the bootup login, this value will take precedence over the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon registry key DefaultUserName.

NOTE:  The DefaultDomainName and DefaultUserName value in the WinLogon is set to whatever value is contained here. The NTAutoAdminLogin reads the WinLogon setting, but this is cascaded from the values contained in the Default Location Profile, so these are the ones that need to be set. However, the DefaultPassword is not cascaded from any Novell controlled registry value, so this will need to be set in the WinLogon key  (as instructed in Step 2).

 4. Make sure the DefaultUserName and their DefaultPassword are valid.

Steps to enable the AutoAdminLogon for the NDS User:

Workaround 2:


Novell Client for Windows NT version 4.11a, 4.11, 4.10, 4.0:

1. Load REGEDT32.EXE from the WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory, select  the following subkey:
2. Create a new value in this subkey named AutoAdminLogon with a type of REG_SZ and a value of 1.
3. Create a new value in this subkey named DefaultPassword with a type of REG_SZ and a value the user's password.
4. Make sure the DefaultUserName and their DefaultPassword are valid.
5.  Add the following registry String (REG_SZ) values to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\NWGINA\Login Screen entry:

Value:          NetWareAutoAdminLogon
Value data:     "1" enables AutoLogon; "0" disables it

Value:          DefaultNetWarePassword
Value data:     <Password of user account found in DefaultNetWareUserName>

Value:          DefaultNetWareUserName
Value data:     <Name of user to automatically log on>.

If AutoAdminLogon is enabled, be careful when running the intraNetWare Login utility from the icon in the intraNetWare (Common) group.  When run as a standalone from the icon, the intraNetWare Login utility does not recognize that the workstation is running AutoAdminLogon.  If your primary connection's password expires when running intraNetWare Login from the icon, you will be given the chance to synchronize all intraNetWare and NT passwords.  Make sure you do not synchronize the NT password, because intraNetWare Login does not update the Registry setting for AutoAdminLogon.

A password is needed for this process to work. - Quoted from Microsoft TechNet Module 1: Installing and Configuring MS BackOffice Server 4.5  "7. In the Autologon Password dialog box, enter your Administrator password (if any), and check that the "I will log on manually after reboots" option is cleared ' this will allow BackOffice Setup to automatically log itself back on to continue installation after mandatory reboots (this option automatically disables itself upon completion)."

Note 2: If the registry entry "DontDisplayLastUserName" in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\WINLOGON is
set to 1(active), the error "LOGIN-4.12-895: The user does not exist in the specified context." will be displayed. When this entry is set to 0 (deactivate), the Autoadminlogon for both NT and NETWARE works fine.  This information can be referenced on Microsoft's Support web site under Q article 159969.


Document Title: How to configure AutoAdminLogon for Novell's Windows NT Client.
Document ID: 10013350
Solution ID: 4.0.5923119.2244130
Creation Date: 29Jul1999
Modified Date: 03Jan2004
Novell Product Class:NetWare
Novell eDirectory


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