LPR Communication Failed

(Last modified: 11Oct2005)

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Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS)

Novell iPrint


LPR Communication Failed

Printer Agent Status and Control: Needs Attention

Printer Agent Status Details:  LPR Communication Failed


Some printer hardware does not support LPR communication, or port 515 is disabled by default


Set up the printer to print via port 9100 via one of the following:

  1. Open iManager and select "Create Printer" under the iPrint Role
  2. Enter the name of the printer and select the appropriate manager
  3. Enter the IP address of the printer, and select port 9100 rather than LPR Printer Name: PASSTHROUGH
  4. Select appropriate drivers (if available) and click finish


If this option is not available, this can be done manually via the following steps:

  1. At the server console, switch to the NDPS Manager screen
  2. Select Printer Agent List
  3. Select the Printer Agent in question from the Printer Agent List.
  4. Select Information
  5. Select Gateway Status
  6. Push the "Insert" key
  7. Change the Gateway Autoload Command to the following: "NDPSGW PORT=RAW HOSTADDRESS=X.X.X.X"
  8. Restart the Printer Agent



A printer can be tested to see if it supports LPR communication by doing the following:

In Windows:

  • Click on Start -> Run
  • Key:  cmd and hit Enter
  • At the command prompt screen, key:  telnet X.X.X.X 515  (where X = IP address of the printer in question)
    • If a blinking cursor or no error appears, port 515 is open
    • If a "Connection Refused" or "Connection failed" error returns, that printer either does not support LPR communication, or it is not enabled

In Linux:

  • Open a Terminal
  • Key:  telnet X.X.X.X 515 (where X = IP address of the printer in question)
    • If a message of "Connected to X.X.X.X" appears, port 515 is open
    • If it returns "Trying to connect to IP" and hangs, the port is not open

Printing through port 9100 is available with NDPSGW.NLM version 3.01 dated May 5, 2004 and later 

The ability to create a printer in iManager using port 9100 is available with NetWare 6.5 SP 2 and later


Document Title: LPR Communication Failed
Document ID: 10099192
Solution ID: NOVL103756
Creation Date: 05Oct2005
Modified Date: 11Oct2005
Novell Product Class:Novell Printing Services


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