How to run Jboss 4.0.1 as a windows service.

(Last modified: 14Feb2006)

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How to run Jboss 4.0.1 as a windows service.


JBoss 4.0.1


You can use a third party utility such as "JavaService.exe":
   Please check the web for available download sites

Example Install Command:
: JBossService.exe -install JBoss
-start org.jboss.Main
-stop org.jboss.Main -method systemExit
-out {JBOSS_BIN}\stdout.log
-err {JBOSS_BIN}\stderr.log
-current {JBOSS_BIN}
-depends mysql

Please note that as at JavaService version 1.2.7 and back, no spaces may be used in the absolute paths given. A JVM located at C:\Program files\java\j2sdk1.5.0\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll will fail to instantiate because of the space in \Program files\.

You can also use a Java Service Wrapper and manage it by JMX:
sample configuration files :
wrapper.conf :
wrapper.ntservice.displayname=JBoss Server

Warning: make sure your JBOSS_HOME environment var is set correctly (this is not the case if you haven't done that yourself): the run.bat does set this itself, but the wrapper doesn't !


To start a particular JBoss instance when starting JBoss as a service (besides the 'default' instance) you need to add the following after the -start in the JBossService line (the following starts the IDM instance which is the default name of the instance installed for the Novell Identity Manager User Application; substitute 'IDM' for the correct instance name if you have a different instance name):

-params -c IDM

This adds the following to the registry:

Start Param Count                   REG_DWORD      ox00000002
Start Param Number 0             REG_SZ               -c
Start Param Number 1             REG_SZ               IDM

Example service startup based on a test installation.  The application instance was named 'IDM' and the install path was c:\novell\idm.

javaService.exe - install JBoss c:\novell\idm\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
-Xms64M -Xmx128M
-start org.jboss.Main
-params -c IDM
-stop org.jboss.Main
-method systemExit
-out c:\novell\idm\jboss\bin\stdout.log
-err c:\novell\idm\jboss\bin\stderr.log
-current c:\novell\idm\jboss\bin
-depends mysql


Document Title: How to run Jboss 4.0.1 as a windows service.
Document ID: 10097484
Solution ID: NOVL101922
Creation Date: 26Apr2005
Modified Date: 14Feb2006
Novell Product Class:exteNd


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