POA CPU Hog Abend in GWTCP Handler
(Last modified: 31Mar2004)
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Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise Post Office Agent
POA CPU Hog Abend in GWTCP Handler
After updating to GroupWise 6.5 the GWPOA.NLM abend reguraly in a CPU Hog Abend.
The running process is GWTCP-HANDLER process and the routine in GWENN4 is Wpf_ReadFoldersRoot.
Upgrade to GroupWise 6.5
The problem is caused due the presence of duplicate folders in the user database. In some user databases we found 10000 duplicate folders.
Run a GWCheck (on server is prefered) with the option DelDupFolders. You need to run this check several times until the log reports no more duplicate folders (code 30 and code 79).
Running process: GWTCP-HANDLER_36 Process Thread Owned by NLM: GWPOA.NLM Stack pointer: 9F90E270 OS Stack limit: 9F902900 Scheduling priority: 67371008 Wait state: 3030070 Yielded CPU Stack: --FCE1721B ? A516B634 (GWENN4.NLM|GWENN4@Wpf_ReadFoldersRoot+D24)
Document Title: | POA CPU Hog Abend in GWTCP Handler |
Document ID: | 10091709 |
Solution ID: | NOVL95886 |
Creation Date: | 02Mar2004 |
Modified Date: | 31Mar2004 |
Novell Product Class: | Groupware |
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