GroupWise Gwcheck will not work with the RESETMAINTFLAG startup option in the Misc tab

(Last modified: 23Jun2004)

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Novell GroupWise 6.0

Novell GroupWise 6.5


GroupWise Gwcheck will not work with the RESETMAINTFLAG startup option in the Misc tab

Error: "Misc Option, Cannot open the file that was specified"

Error: "Mailbox / Library Maintenance error =  0xC05D"

Error: "C057 Maintenance in progress"


This problem has been duplicated in GroupWise 6.0 and GroupWise 6.5.  GroupWise development notified.

NEW INFORMATION :  This startup switch actually does work but it was not meant to run at a POST OFFICE level.  You run this on a user level or at a database level.  For example if you needed to remove the maintenance flag for MSG17.DB then in GWCHECK under USER / RESOURCE you would place USER17.DB in this field and do a Analize and Fix, Structure ( does not matter what you select, as long as RUN button is not greyed out ) and place the value RESETMAINTFLAG in the MISC tab list box.  Be aware that there is no logging in GWCHECK that actually confirms that the flag has been reset, but it does work.


Document Title: GroupWise Gwcheck will not work with the RESETMAINTFLAG startup option in the Misc tab
Document ID: 10088755
Solution ID: NOVL93914
Creation Date: 13Nov2003
Modified Date: 23Jun2004
Novell Product Class:Groupware


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