NetWare server abends in the FILESYS.NLM running NetShield

(Last modified: 19Oct2004)

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NetWare 5.1

NetWare 6.0

NetWare 6.5

This abend often happens when running NetWork Associates NetShield product and Groupwise

The abend generally occurs in the "NetShield  XUReceive Process" or the "NetShield Upgrade Process"


NetWare server abends in the INWCheckEAHandles routine because of an invalid extended attribute.


The corruption occurs when we block on a disk I/O while we are in the process of generating an EA.  While this thread is blocked another thread deletes a directory leaving us with an incomplete EA structure.


This issue is fixed in a newer version of FILESYS.NLM for NetWare 5.1 Post SP7,  NetWare 6.0 SP5 and NetWare 6.5 SP2.  They can be found in the flsysft10.exe download.  These fixes have been submitted for release with CSP12.


Document Title: NetWare server abends in the FILESYS.NLM running NetShield
Document ID: 10088133
Solution ID: NOVL93435
Creation Date: 23Oct2003
Modified Date: 19Oct2004
Novell Product Class:Developer Support
Management Products


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