Multiple IP Addresses for Management Portal (HTTPSTK)

(Last modified: 06Dec2002)

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Multiple IP Addresses for Management Portal (HTTPSTK)


Novell NetWare 6.0

NetWare 5.1



Connectivity to NetWare Management Portal at Multiple IP Addresses

Binding HTTPSTK to secodary ip addresses

Unable to access iManage on secondary ip address.


By default, connectivity to the NetWare Management Portal is available only at the first IP address bound to the server's LAN card as viewed in AUTOEXEC.NCF or INETCFG >View Configuration > Protocol Bind Commands. For each additional IP address for which Portal access is desired, the following server command must be issued. We recommend adding this command to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file for each IPAddress:
HTTPBIND XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX /keyfile:"<SSL Certificate Name>"
Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with the IP address and replace <SSL Server Certificate Name> with the name of a certificate created for the given IP Address.


Document Title: Multiple IP Addresses for Management Portal (HTTPSTK)
Document ID: 10066825
Solution ID: NOVL66282
Creation Date: 14Dec2001
Modified Date: 06Dec2002
Novell Product Class:NetWare
Novell BorderManager Services


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