Cannot install a NetWare 5.1 license on a NetWare 6 server.

(Last modified: 23Aug2005)

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Novell NetWare 6.0

Novell Licensing Services


Cannot install a NetWare 5.1 license on a NetWare 6 server.

Purchased upgrade protection

Did not receive a NetWare 6 license disk, only the NetWare 6 media.


NetWare 5.1 licenses will not work on a NetWare 6 server.  You must use NetWare 6 licenses.


If you were not given a license disk or if you were not e-mailed the NetWare 6 license, please contact your Novell Reseller or the Customer Response Center at 888-321-4CRC (801-861-4272 for customers outside the US).

For additional information on NetWare 6, please see the following solution.  TID #10064501 - NetWare 6 Readme Addendum


Document Title: Cannot install a NetWare 5.1 license on a NetWare 6 server.
Document ID: 10066573
Solution ID: NOVL65376
Creation Date: 05Dec2001
Modified Date: 23Aug2005
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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