NW51SP3.exe was changed on July 24.

(Last modified: 27Nov2001)

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NW51SP3.exe was changed on July 24.


NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 3 (NW51SP3.exe) was changed on July 24.  The support pack was originally posted on July 21.  It was brought to our attention that the FILESYS.NLM dated June 27, 2001, was omitted from the build that was released.  Once the problem was found, the correct build was posted as NW51SP3.exe dated July 24th.

The only change to NW51SP3.exe dated July 24th is the addition of FILESYS.NLM dated June 27, 2001.  NW51SP3.exe dated July 24, 2001 now mirrors what Novell tested and intended to deliver as the final release.


This FILESYS.NLM dated June 27, 2001 fixes the following problem:

When the Novell Instant Message Server (NIMS) software attempted to rename the LONG name space entry name (which happened to be identical to the DOS name space entry name) to be lower case. This issue is fairly unique and would only happen if the name conformed to the 8.3 standard, and also only if the name space entry name was being renamed to the same name that if uppercased existed in the corresponding DOS name space entry name. If this name exists in another entry's DOS name space entry name, then an error will be returned still to avoid the "cross name" problem.


If you already downloaded the file NW51SP3.exe dated July 21, 2001, you will not need to download the entire NetWare 5.1 Support Pack again. The only file you will need is the NW51FS1.exe  This will allow your configuration to mirror that which Novell tested and intended to release as the final release.

We apologize for any inconveniences that this has caused.


Document Title: NW51SP3.exe was changed on July 24.
Document ID: 10063770
Solution ID: NOVL53982
Creation Date: 25Jul2001
Modified Date: 27Nov2001
Novell Product Class:NetWare
Novell BorderManager Services


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