In EP client, one user name replaces all or almost all of the proxy entries.

(Last modified: 07Feb2003)

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Novell GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack

Novell GroupWise Enhancement Pack Client

Novell GroupWise 5.2


Upgraded from GroupWise 5.2 to 5.5


5.2 Client is launched against EP post office and user is added to proxy list.

In GW 5.5 and GW 5.2 Clients, the proxy user list displays the names correctly.

In EP client, one user name replaces all or almost all of the proxy entries.

The original users still have the access the proxy rights that were originally given to them.

Problem appears to be a cosmetic problem with EP client.


The user's name appear multiple times because the GW 5.2 client changes the GUID, global unique id, of the proxy users to the GUID of the user added to the proxy list using the 5.2 client.  The Enhancement Pack client displays the names incorrectly because the proxy list is searching on the GUID.  Conversely the 5.2 and 5.5 clients searched on another field.


Development created a fix with the GroupWise 5.5 Support Pack 5 GWCHECK, fgck555e.exe.  This GWCHECK is currently a beta field test file which can be downloaded from   

To fix this problem do the following steps:
1-  Use PROXYFIX switch
        Create a file called GWCHECK.CFG in the directory where GWCHK32.EXE is being run.
        Inside the GWCHECK.CFG file type the word: PROXYFIX

2-  Run GWCheck
        Post Office
        Analyze/Fix Databases
                Fix Problem
                Databases: User  


Document Title: In EP client, one user name replaces all or almost all of the proxy entries.
Document ID: 10060722
Solution ID: NOVL40920
Creation Date: 26Feb2001
Modified Date: 07Feb2003
Novell Product Class:Groupware


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