How to use GWCHECK with the GWCHECK.CFG file.

(Last modified: 20Feb2003)

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How to use GWCHECK with the GWCHECK.CFG file.


Novell GroupWise 5.5.4

Novell GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack

Stand-alone GWCHECK


There are several "switches" that affect how GWCheck works.  These switches are special features that administrators can use to fix specific problems. These switches are not visible on the normal interface so they will not be abused.  Some of them are for convenience in testing or other special actions.

USAGE: In general, the "switch" is turned on by putting the file, GWCHECK.CFG, in the directory where the executable files for GWCheck are located.  The desired option (switch) is placed in the GWCHECK.CFG file.  In most instances, a Contents check will initiate the check specific to the file found in the GWCheck directory.

For GroupWise 5.5, version 5.5.4 (5.5 with SP4) or later must be used.
For GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack, version (5.5 Enhancement Pack with sp2) or later must be used.

Also, note that GWCheck will not honor the file if they're more than a day old; if it sees an old file, it deletes it.  So the switch doesn't stay turned on forever.
ATTCLIP                  Removes references to lost attachment files, so that QuickFinder won't try to index them and generate errors.
CLEANSC                Causes dependant store files to be dropped from the store catalog if .db file is missing.  This will force the db to be recreated on the next login.
ITEMPURG                Purges any mail message with a subject field that matches a certain string.

The text file should contain the subject line of the message you want to purge from the user's database.  It can be partial text, but it must be the starting words (e.g., the first 20 characters of the subject) - but everything that begins with the string you type will be purged and will NOT be recoverable.

To execute the purge, perform a Contents check and fix on the appropriate user database.
NOMDB                To be used for testing when you have been given copies of user databases but not message databases.  For contents check of user database, don't validate pointers to message databases.
PABONLY.NGW         When doing user database contents check, stop check after personal address book verification (updates Frequent Contact List and PAB)
PABSKIP.NGW         Skip personal address book check when performing user database contents check.
RESFLDR.NGW        Resets system folder names so that the client can come in and replace them. Used when a database gets created with foreign language names for system folders, and you want to reset them to some other language.
SETONLY.NGW        Checks verification record and settings changes.
VRFIXUP.NGW        Forces fixup of verification record.  This is a possible security issue, since the error that tells when one database is copied on top of another will be overwritten..


Document Title: How to use GWCHECK with the GWCHECK.CFG file.
Document ID: 10059466
Solution ID: NOVL36648
Creation Date: 03Jan2001
Modified Date: 20Feb2003
Novell Product Class:Groupware


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