NDPS printer drivers download every time user logs in.

(Last modified: 06Feb2003)

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Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS) 2.1.1

Novell Distributed Print Services (NDPS) 2.0


NDPS printer drivers download every time user logs in.

Error: "Novell NDPS Print Message: Printer <printobject>.<context>: Driver unsuitable for installation"

Error: "Novell NDPS Print Message: Printer <printobject>.<context>: Not installed"


Driver unsuitable for installation error is visible if "show results" is selected in the Remote Printer Manager tab options.

Driver unsuitable for installation error shows up for a printer on the Remote Printer Manager list that has not been modified since it was confirmed to work.

Multiple Printers on Remote Printer Management Printer list for the users' container.


Updated the driver for a different printer on the Remote Printer Manager Printer list for the users' container.


Turn on "Show the results window on workstations" in the "NDPS Remote Printer Management" tabs of the object(s) where the RPM printer list is being maintained.  Logon at the workstation again and look for messages identifying specific printers failing to install successfully.  Troubleshoot the cause of the driver unsuitable for installation error.

When any one of the printers on the RPM list fail to downlaod and install correctly, the client will try processing the entire list of printers again during the next logon session until all of the printers install without error.

Another issue which will cause all drivers to be downloaded to the workstation during every logon is the "Allow only specified printers to reside on workstations".  When this option is selected, all printers will be installed during every logon even though they all install successfully.


Prior to the Novell Client 3.2 for Windows 95/98 & Novell Client 4.7 for Windows NT/2000, when determining whether printers needed to be downloaded or re-downloaded during login the NDPS client would check individual timestamps stored per-printer in the RPM list on the container object against individual timestamps stored per-printer in the registry.  Any case where the printer was not yet installed or the timestamp for the printer in the RPM list in NDS was newer than the timestamp for that printer saved on the local workstation, the individual printer's NDPS printer driver would be downloaded and installed on the workstation.  The container was the only object supported for RPM configuration at that time.

Starting with the Novell Client 3.2 for Windows 95/98 & Novell Client 4.7 for Windows NT/2000, the per-user and per-group RPM support available with NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 1 and later necessitated some changes to the client RPM logic.  When determining whether printers needed to be installed or updated during login, the NDPS client had to start checking not only the container object but also all of the group objects the logged-in user is a member of and also the user object itself.   

In the new logic, a "global" timestamp stored on the workstation is checked against a "global" timestamp on the RPM object (which could be a container, a group, or the user object).  If the single global stamp on the RPM object is later than the single global timestamp on the local workstation, the entire list of printers on the RPM object will be processed.  As each printer on the list is processed, the local per-printer timestamp stored in the registry is compared against the single global timestamp on the RPM object.

The net result is that whenever any printer is added, removed, or updated on an RPM list (regardless of whether the RPM list is on a container, group or user object) the entire list of printers will be processed and not just the one or one(s) which were changed or updated.

This magnifies the effect if having a single printer which is failing to install out of any given RPM list.  With the older form of the RPM processing, a single printer which failed to install (because of no driver assigned, driver failed to install, no rights to printer, etc.) only that one printer would be retried during subsequent logon sessions.  Under the new RPM processing, a single printer failing causes the entire list to be tried again during subsequent logon sessions.


Document Title: NDPS printer drivers download every time user logs in.
Document ID: 10058509
Solution ID: NOVL32862
Creation Date: 16Nov2000
Modified Date: 06Feb2003
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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