How to enable Ctrl-Alt-Del on Win2K
(Last modified: 10May2002)
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How to enable Ctrl-Alt-Del on Win2K
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Novell NetWare Client
For XP see How to Enable Ctrl-Alt-Del on XP
The Ctrl-Alt-Del login prompt does not appear by default when you install Windows 2000, you need to enable it. There are 2 ways of enabling this feature.
1) Open Users and Passwords in the Control Panel -> Click on the Advanced tab -> In Secure Boot Settings, click Require users to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete before logging on.
2) Start Microsoft Management Console (use Start -> Run -> MMC) -> Select Console -> Select Add/Remove Snapin -> Click Add -> Select Group Policy -> Click Add -> Click Finish -> Click Close -> Click OK -> Expand Local Computer Policy -> Expand Computer Configuration -> Expand Windows Settings -> Expand Security Settings -> Expand Local Policies -> Select Security Options -> Change "Disable CTRL-ALT-DEL requirement for logon" from Not Defined to Disabled.
Important Notes:
- The Ctrl-Alt-Del will work for the Microsoft Client if you use option 1 or 2
- The Ctrl-Alt-Del will NOT work for the Novell Client if you use option 2, it only works if you use option 1
- You cannot reverse option 2 without making a large amount of changes to the registry, and you cannot choose option 1 if you have already chosen option 2.
The Novell client does not have any control over these settings, it is purely a winlogon feature of Windows 2000.
This fix is available in the 4.81 client.
Document Title: | How to enable Ctrl-Alt-Del on Win2K |
Document ID: | 10058261 |
Solution ID: | NOVL31902 |
Creation Date: | 08Nov2000 |
Modified Date: | 10May2002 |
Novell Product Class: | NetWare |
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