Small business 5.1 fails to install using IDE hardware.
(Last modified: 09Oct2002)
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Novell Small Business Suite 5.1
INSTP5X.EXE, NW51INST.EXE, NIPT1.EXE have all been applied to the C:\NWUPDATE directory.
Intel D850GB and D845HV mother boards.
Small business 5.1 fails to install using IDE hardware.
Java Exception Error.
Error: Java class not found.
Cdrom will not mount.
A second server will not install into the tree
A second Small Business 5.1 server will not install into the tree
Cannot install a second small business server into the tree.
Some or all of the above symptoms may apply. These issues have so far been seen on clone hardware that is not YET TESTED AND APPROVED for NetWare 5.1 Small Business, and may be hardware that is more than a year old. The hardware does not like the new IDE drivers that are used in Small Business 5.1. Sometimes the cdrom will mount, but data corruption will occur (normally the install will halt with Java errors), and sometimes the install will complete, but corruption on the volume will be seen later. Other times the cdrom will not mount at all.
Copy all the IDE drivers (IDEATA.HAM, IDEHD.CDM, and IDECD.CDM) from NetWare Small Business 5.0 cd into C:\NWUPDATE directory and start the install again. Other IDE versions may also work. These files may be obtained free of charge from Novell Technical Support.
Document Title: | Small business 5.1 fails to install using IDE hardware. |
Document ID: | 10058220 |
Solution ID: | NOVL31734 |
Creation Date: | 06Nov2000 |
Modified Date: | 09Oct2002 |
Novell Product Class: | Beta NetWare Novell BorderManager Services |
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