What is the PM Temporary Information Screen?

(Last modified: 27Sep2002)

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What is the PM Temporary Information Screen?


It is the Policy Manager information screen and it should be turned off by default, though it has been seen appearing after applying support pack 5.  
If you type PM HELP at the server console, you can see all the command options available:

PM DISPLAY-   Displays PM connection table info to trace screen.
PM STATS-   Displays PM stats to trace screen.
PM TRACEON-   Turns trace screen on.
PM TRACEOFF-   Turns trace screen off.
PM TRACEFILEON-   Turns trace file on.
PM TRACEFILEOFF-   Turns trace file off.
PM MSGON-   Turns PM error messages to the console ON.
PM MSGOFF-   Turns PM error messages to the console OFF.
PM RESET-   Resets PM (attempts to release and reacquire licenses).
PM ALLOW OLD APIS-   Turns support for applications using outdated, unsupported APIs ON (default).
PM DISALLOW OLD APIS-   Turns support for applications using outdated, unsupported APIs OFF.
PM INFO-   Displays PM NLM info to the console.


Document Title: What is the PM Temporary Information Screen?
Document ID: 10054503
Solution ID: NOVL16740
Creation Date: 23Jun2000
Modified Date: 27Sep2002
Novell Product Class:NetWare


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