Message databases balloon overnight.

(Last modified: 10Feb2003)

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Novell GroupWise 5.5

GroupWise 5.5 Support Pack 4


Message databases balloon overnight.

OFFILES directory is very large.

Message database goes from 4 MB to a very large size (1.6 GB)

There is no loss in GroupWise functionality.


If a message comes in and the user database is in a state that keeps the POA from being able to write to it then the POA continually rewrites the message to the message database and OFFILES directory.  This causes the message database and OFFILES directory to get very large.


By running the GroupWise 5.5.4 (or later) agents this problem will not occur.  To fix it after it has happened use the 5.5.4 (or later) GWCheck.  The following is what is required:

1.  Create a text file named GWCHECK.CFG file in directory where GWCheck is run from.

2.  In GWCHECK.CFG file on the first line put SUBJECTLIST.  (Do not put anything else in the file)

3.  Run Analyze/Fix Databases on contents and fix problems against message database that is so big.
        This will create a file named SUBDUMP.  In this file you will find every subject that is in the        database.  The problem subject will be listed over and over, often thousands of times.

4.  Create a text file named GWCHECK.CFG file in directory where GWCheck is run from.

5.  In GWCHECK.CFG file put SUBJECTPURGE on first line and on second line put whatever the subject of the problem message is.  Put a hard return after the subject.

6.  Run analyze/fix database on contents and fix problems against the message database that is big.
        This will clean all of the records out of the database

7.  Run a reduce on the database that is so large.  This will get the space back.


Document Title: Message databases balloon overnight.
Document ID: 10024439
Solution ID: 1.0.48122950.2484492
Creation Date: 06Jan2000
Modified Date: 10Feb2003
Novell Product Class:Groupware


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