NLDAP Configuration - ( Quick Start )
(Last modified: 19Aug2002)
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NLDAP Configuration - ( Quick Start )
Novell NetWare 5.0
Formerly Tid 2942510 (Quickstart)
Launch NWADMIN and Follow Instructions Below
Right click the Security Object and select create.
Highlight the Certificate Authority and click OK.
Accept the Standard default and click Next.
Assign the object a name (eg. LDAP-CA).
Select the server to which LDAP is installed.
Click Finish.
Right click the container that contains the LDAP Objects and select create.
Select the Key Material object.
Accept the Standard default and click Next.
Assign a Key Pair Name (eg. LDAP-KP).
Ensure the correct server is listed and click Finish.
Refresh the container so the Key Pair object appears.
Double click the Key Pair object.
Click the Trusted Root page on the right of the dialog box.
Click the Export button.
A file called CERT.DER will be created and placed at the root of the C drive.
Accept the defaults and click Export.
The file will be used later during client configuration.
Double click the LDAP Server object.
Click the browse button to the right of SSL Certificate.
Select the Key Pair that was just created and click OK twice.
Double click the LDAP Group Object.
Select the browse button to the right of Suffix.
Select the container containing the objects to be queried.
Select the browse button to the right of the Proxy user (if a proxy user has been created--if not skip down to the next paragraph).
Select the LDAP proxy user.
Highlight the container that will hold the LDAP proxy user and select create.
Select user and enter a user name (eg. ldap_proxy).
Double click the user and select password restrictions.
Ensure that no boxes are checked.
Right click the container that holds the objects to be queried.
Select trustees of this object.
Select Add Trustee and browse to the LDAP proxy user.
Assign Browse Object Rights.
Assign Compare and Read Property Rights.
At the server console,
Unload NLDAP.
All configuration errors should cease to exist.
At the client,
Launch NetScape Communicator (version 4.03 or later)
From the File menu, select Open Page.
Click on the Choose File button and find and open the CERT.DER file that was placed in the root of drive C.
This will create the certificate authority for the client.
As prompted, accept desired settings and continue until finished.
From the Tool Bar menu, select Edit.
Select Preferences.
Select Mail and Groups.
Select Directories.
Highlight Directory.
Select New.
(If using some later versions of Netscape open the Address Book, select File, New Directory instead of above options to create a new directory)
Enter a description for the new directory.
Enter the IP address of the LDAP server.
Enter the context where the objects reside (eg. ou=provo,ou=support,o=novell)
Note: the organizational units are separated by commas, not periods.
To test in Communicator:
Select Edit.
Select Search Directory.
Select the LDAP directory under Search for Items.
Select Search.
Document Title: | NLDAP Configuration - ( Quick Start ) |
Document ID: | 10017683 |
Solution ID: | 1.0.31076065.2341764 |
Creation Date: | 29Sep1999 |
Modified Date: | 19Aug2002 |
Novell Product Class: | Connectivity Products Groupware NetWare Novell eDirectory Novonyx |
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